Emergent Mind

Superconducting surface trap chips for microwave-driven trapped ions

Published Jul 16, 2024 in quant-ph


Microwave-driven trapped ion logic gates offer a promising avenue for advancing beyond laser-based logic operations. In future microwave-based operations, however, the joule heat produced by large microwave currents flowing through narrow microwave electrodes would potentially hinder improvements in gate speed and fidelity. Moreover, scalability, particularly in cryogenic trapped ion systems, is impeded by the excessive joule heat. To address these challenges, we present a novel approach: superconducting surface trap chips that integrate high-$Q$ microwave resonators with large current capacities. Utilizing sub-ampere microwave currents in superconducting Nb resonators, we generate substantial magnetic field gradients with significantly reduced losses compared to conventional metal chips. By harnessing the high $Q$ factors of superconducting resonators, we propose a power-efficient two-qubit gate scheme capable of achieving a sub-milliwatt external microwave input power at a gate Rabi frequency of 1 kHz.

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