Emergent Mind


Facial Action Unit (AU) detection has gained significant research attention as AUs contain complex expression information. In this paper, we unpack two fundamental factors in AU detection: data and subject identity regularization, respectively. Motivated by recent advances in foundation models, we highlight the importance of data and collect a diverse dataset Face9M, comprising 9 million facial images, from multiple public resources. Pretraining a masked autoencoder on Face9M yields strong performance in AU detection and facial expression tasks. We then show that subject identity in AU datasets provides a shortcut learning for the model and leads to sub-optimal solutions to AU predictions. To tackle this generic issue of AU tasks, we propose Identity Adversarial Training (IAT) and demonstrate that a strong IAT regularization is necessary to learn identity-invariant features. Furthermore, we elucidate the design space of IAT and empirically show that IAT circumvents the identity shortcut learning and results in a better solution. Our proposed methods, Facial Masked Autoencoder (FMAE) and IAT, are simple, generic and effective. Remarkably, the proposed FMAE-IAT approach achieves new state-of-the-art F1 scores on BP4D (67.1\%), BP4D+ (66.8\%), and DISFA (70.1\%) databases, significantly outperforming previous work. We release the code and model at https://github.com/forever208/FMAE-IAT, the first open-sourced facial model pretrained on 9 million diverse images.

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