Emergent Mind

RAGBench: Explainable Benchmark for Retrieval-Augmented Generation Systems

Published Jun 25, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has become a standard architectural pattern for incorporating domain-specific knowledge into user-facing chat applications powered by LLMs. RAG systems are characterized by (1) a document retriever that queries a domain-specific corpus for context information relevant to an input query, and (2) an LLM that generates a response based on the provided query and context. However, comprehensive evaluation of RAG systems remains a challenge due to the lack of unified evaluation criteria and annotated datasets. In response, we introduce RAGBench: the first comprehensive, large-scale RAG benchmark dataset of 100k examples. It covers five unique industry-specific domains and various RAG task types. RAGBench examples are sourced from industry corpora such as user manuals, making it particularly relevant for industry applications. Further, we formalize the TRACe evaluation framework: a set of explainable and actionable RAG evaluation metrics applicable across all RAG domains. We release the labeled dataset at https://huggingface.co/datasets/rungalileo/ragbench. RAGBench explainable labels facilitate holistic evaluation of RAG systems, enabling actionable feedback for continuous improvement of production applications. Thorough extensive benchmarking, we find that LLM-based RAG evaluation methods struggle to compete with a finetuned RoBERTa model on the RAG evaluation task. We identify areas where existing approaches fall short and propose the adoption of RAGBench with TRACe towards advancing the state of RAG evaluation systems.

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