Emergent Mind

VGBench: Evaluating Large Language Models on Vector Graphics Understanding and Generation

Published Jul 15, 2024 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


In the realm of vision models, the primary mode of representation is using pixels to rasterize the visual world. Yet this is not always the best or unique way to represent visual content, especially for designers and artists who depict the world using geometry primitives such as polygons. Vector graphics (VG), on the other hand, offer a textual representation of visual content, which can be more concise and powerful for content like cartoons or sketches. Recent studies have shown promising results on processing vector graphics with capable LLMs. However, such works focus solely on qualitative results, understanding, or a specific type of vector graphics. We propose VGBench, a comprehensive benchmark for LLMs on handling vector graphics through diverse aspects, including (a) both visual understanding and generation, (b) evaluation of various vector graphics formats, (c) diverse question types, (d) wide range of prompting techniques, (e) under multiple LLMs. Evaluating on our collected 4279 understanding and 5845 generation samples, we find that LLMs show strong capability on both aspects while exhibiting less desirable performance on low-level formats (SVG). Both data and evaluation pipeline will be open-sourced at https://vgbench.github.io.

VGBench: comprehensive benchmark for VG understanding and generation with 4279 QA pairs, 5845 VG-caption pairs.


  • VGBench introduces a comprehensive benchmark to evaluate LLMs on understanding and generating vector graphics (VG) using formats like SVG, TikZ, and Graphviz.

  • The study finds that LLMs show stronger performance in handling high-level semantic formats (TikZ, Graphviz), and that advanced prompting techniques like chain-of-thought (CoT) and in-context learning (ICL) notably improve their understanding and generation capabilities.

  • The implications of this research are significant for the design and art community, automation in graphic design, and educational tools, as well as for advancing multi-modal LLMs and providing a benchmark for future studies.

Evaluation of LLMs on Vector Graphics Understanding and Generation

The efficacy and robustness of LLMs in handling raster images are well-documented, yet their capacity to interact meaningfully with vector graphics (VG) has been less explored. Vector graphics offer a concise, textual representation of visual content through geometric primitives, making them fundamentally different from pixel-based images. This paper introduces VGBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed explicitly to evaluate LLMs on both the understanding and generation of vector graphics.


The VGBench benchmark is multifaceted, addressing the need for a systematic evaluation through various aspects:

  • Visual Understanding and Generation: VGBench assesses both comprehension and generation capacities.
  • Vector Graphics Formats: It includes a broad spectrum of formats like SVG, TikZ, and Graphviz.
  • Question Types: Diverse categories of questions are employed to measure different levels of semantic understanding.
  • Prompting Techniques: A variety of techniques such as zero-shot, chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, and in-context learning (ICL) are utilized.
  • Diverse LLMs: The benchmark evaluates multiple state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5, and open-source models like Llama-3.

Key Findings

  • Strong Performance in High-Level Semantics: LLMs demonstrated a stronger understanding of TikZ and Graphviz formats, which typically convey higher-level semantics compared to the lower-level geometry primitives in SVGs. This indicates that LLMs are more proficient in handling complex, semantically-rich vector formats.
  • Impact of Prompting Techniques: Advanced prompting methods such as CoT and ICL significantly improve performance, particularly in the understanding of low-level formats like SVG. However, their efficacy varies, offering substantial benefits primarily where base performance is relatively low.
  • Generation Capabilities: LLMs exhibit notable vector graphics generation abilities, with GPT-4 showing superior results compared to GPT-3.5. The performance is evaluated using the CLIP Score and Fréchet Inception Distance (FID), demonstrating that the generated vector graphics are of relatively high quality.


Practical Implications

The findings of this research have substantial practical implications:

  • Design and Art Community: LLMs' capabilities in understanding and generating vector graphics can be leveraged to develop more intuitive and efficient design tools, aiding artists and designers in creating complex illustrations with higher semantic content.
  • Automation in Graphic Design: The generation capabilities can facilitate automated graphic design processes, significantly reducing the manual effort required.
  • Educational Tools: Enhanced understanding of vector graphics by LLMs can lead to better educational tools that help students learn concepts related to geometry and visualizations.

Theoretical Implications

The research also holds theoretical significance:

  • Advancement in Multi-modal LLMs: The study advances our understanding of how LLMs can be adapted and evaluated in multi-modal tasks involving both text and structured visual data.
  • Benchmark for Future Research: VGBench provides a solid foundation and a benchmark for future studies aiming to enhance the vector graphics processing capabilities of LLMs.

Future Developments

Speculating on future advancements, the continuous development of more sophisticated and semantically aware LLMs could lead to substantial improvements in both understanding and generating vector graphics. Integrating techniques such as Tree of Thoughts (ToT) and Everything of Thoughts (XoT) could further enhance LLM performance. Open-sourcing datasets and evaluation pipelines, as proposed, will ensure continuous collaborative efforts in refining these models.


VGBench stands as a comprehensive benchmark that unveils the potential of LLMs in comprehending and creating vector graphics. By systematically evaluating multiple aspects using diverse vector graphic formats and prompting techniques, the benchmark sets the stage for future innovations in this domain. The implications, both practical and theoretical, underscore the significance of this research in advancing the capabilities of AI in the domain of vector graphics.

The release of the benchmark dataset and evaluation pipeline will undoubtedly catalyze further research and improvements, fostering a deeper integration of AI in the fields of design and visual understanding.

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