Emergent Mind

GRUtopia: Dream General Robots in a City at Scale

Published Jul 15, 2024 in cs.RO and cs.CV


Recent works have been exploring the scaling laws in the field of Embodied AI. Given the prohibitive costs of collecting real-world data, we believe the Simulation-to-Real (Sim2Real) paradigm is a crucial step for scaling the learning of embodied models. This paper introduces project GRUtopia, the first simulated interactive 3D society designed for various robots. It features several advancements: (a) The scene dataset, GRScenes, includes 100k interactive, finely annotated scenes, which can be freely combined into city-scale environments. In contrast to previous works mainly focusing on home, GRScenes covers 89 diverse scene categories, bridging the gap of service-oriented environments where general robots would be initially deployed. (b) GRResidents, a Large Language Model (LLM) driven Non-Player Character (NPC) system that is responsible for social interaction, task generation, and task assignment, thus simulating social scenarios for embodied AI applications. (c) The benchmark, GRBench, supports various robots but focuses on legged robots as primary agents and poses moderately challenging tasks involving Object Loco-Navigation, Social Loco-Navigation, and Loco-Manipulation. We hope that this work can alleviate the scarcity of high-quality data in this field and provide a more comprehensive assessment of Embodied AI research. The project is available at https://github.com/OpenRobotLab/GRUtopia.

Key features of GRUtopia in a schematic representation.


  • GRUtopia introduces a comprehensive platform to advance Embodied AI through simulated environments, reducing the need for extensive real-world data collection.

  • The platform includes three key components: GRScenes, a large-scale diverse scene dataset; GRResidents, an LLM-driven NPC system; and GRBench, a comprehensive benchmark suite for evaluating robotic agents.

  • By leveraging large-scale simulations, GRUtopia addresses challenges of policy generalization and data efficiency, facilitating the deployment of general-purpose robots in varied real-world scenarios.

GRUtopia: Dream General Robots in a City at Scale

Paper Overview

The paper introduces GRUtopia, a comprehensive platform aimed at advancing the field of Embodied AI, with a specific focus on the Simulation-to-Real (Sim2Real) paradigm. The purpose of GRUtopia is to address significant challenges in collecting real-world data for training embodied models by leveraging large-scale simulated environments. The platform constitutes three primary components: GRScenes, GRResidents, and GRBench. Each of these components contributes to creating a diverse, interactive, and challenging virtual environment for training and evaluating various robotic agents.

Key Components and Contributions

GRScenes: Diverse Scene Dataset

  • GRScenes is a large-scale scene dataset featuring 100,000 interactive and finely annotated scenes, which can be combined to create extensive city-scale environments.
  • Beyond typical home environments, GRScenes spans 89 diverse categories, including service-oriented environments such as hospitals and supermarkets, which are crucial for real-world deployment of general-purpose robots.
  • The scenes are highly dynamic and interactive, containing numerous high-quality, part-level modeled objects with comprehensive hierarchical, multi-modal annotations encompassing overall scenes, indoor regions, objects, and individual components.

GRResidents: LLM-driven NPC System

  • GRResidents is an NPC system driven by LLMs and is designed to simulate complex social interactions within the 3D environment.
  • The system is responsible for task generation, task assignment, and real-time interaction with agents, enhancing the immersive quality and functional utility of the simulation.
  • GRResidents employ a World Knowledge Manager (WKM) that maintains real-time world state knowledge and provides high-level information through defined data interfaces, allowing the NPCs to access scene details such as spatial relationships, object attributes, and scene semantics.

GRBench: Comprehensive Benchmark Suite

  • GRBench supports the evaluation of various robots, with a primary focus on legged robots, and includes three benchmark setups: Object Loco-Navigation, Social Loco-Navigation, and Loco-Manipulation.
  • These benchmarks are designed to cater to moderately challenging tasks that align with current algorithmic capabilities but also provide clear granularity in task difficulty, promoting progressive improvement and assessment of robotic skills.
  • Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of GRBench, revealing significant challenges in existing algorithms when applied to real-world scenarios and demonstrating the platform's capability to offer a rigorous evaluation framework.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

GRUtopia stands as a significant advancement in the development and testing of embodied AI systems. By creating a highly interactive and diverse virtual society, the platform alleviates the scarcity of high-quality real-world data and bridges the gap between simulation and real-world deployment. The simulation environment's diversity ensures that agents can be trained and evaluated in a wide range of scenarios, promoting robustness and adaptability in their behaviors.

On a theoretical level, the platform facilitates the exploration of scaling laws in the field of robotics, inspired by the successes seen in NLP and computer vision (CV). By leveraging large-scale simulated environments, researchers can explore how embodied models generalize across different tasks and environments, addressing long-standing challenges in policy generalization and data efficiency.

Future Directions and Speculations

The future development of GRUtopia could involve scaling up the complexity and diversity of scenes and tasks even further, incorporating more sophisticated NPC behaviors and interactions. Additionally, enhancements in the low-level control policies to include more intricate manipulation capabilities and robust mobility in diverse terrains could drive significant improvements in agent performance.

Another promising direction could be the integration of multi-agent coordination and dynamics, allowing the study of collaborative and competitive behaviors among heterogeneous robots and human-like agents. This would not only advance the state of embodied AI but also provide valuable insights into the scalability and generalizability of AI systems in more complex and realistic settings.


GRUtopia represents a substantial contribution to the field of Embodied AI by creating an extensive, interactive simulation platform for training and evaluating robotic agents. Its comprehensive dataset, intelligent NPC system, and rigorous benchmarks set a new standard for research in simulation-to-real transfer, fostering advancements that could significantly impact the development and deployment of versatile and reliable robotic systems in real-world environments. The platform's ongoing development and enhancement hold the potential to address some of the most pressing challenges in AI research, driving forward the capabilities of embodied agents.

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