Emergent Mind

Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Smart Additive Manufacturing

Published Jul 15, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.CE


Compared to physics-based computational manufacturing, data-driven models such as ML are alternative approaches to achieve smart manufacturing. However, the data-driven ML's "black box" nature has presented a challenge to interpreting its outcomes. On the other hand, governing physical laws are not effectively utilized to develop data-efficient ML algorithms. To leverage the advantages of ML and physical laws of advanced manufacturing, this paper focuses on the development of a physics-informed machine learning (PIML) model by integrating neural networks and physical laws to improve model accuracy, transparency, and generalization with case studies in laser metal deposition (LMD).


  • The paper introduces a physics-informed machine learning (PIML) model aimed at overcoming the limitations of traditional data-driven machine learning approaches in additive manufacturing, specifically in the laser metal deposition (LMD) process.

  • The PIML model integrates governing equations directly into the neural network architecture, utilizes a mesh-free approach, and is computationally efficient, enabling accurate and real-time monitoring of the LMD process.

  • Results demonstrate the PIML model's ability to predict temperature evolution with high accuracy, suggesting its potential for enhanced monitoring, reduced dependency on extensive datasets, and applicability to various manufacturing processes.

Insightful Overview of "Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Smart Additive Manufacturing"

The paper "Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Smart Additive Manufacturing" by Rahul Sharma, Maziar Raissi, and Y.B. Guo presents a significant contribution to the field of additive manufacturing (AM) through the integration of physics-informed machine learning (PIML) frameworks for modeling and monitoring the laser metal deposition (LMD) process.

Summary and Key Contributions

The authors address a notable limitation of traditional data-driven ML methods in manufacturing: the "black box" nature and data inefficiency. They propose a comprehensive PIML model that leverages neural networks (NNs) guided by physical laws to enhance model accuracy, transparency, and generalization capabilities for LMD processes. The PIML framework not requiring any labeled training data is particularly emphasized in the paper, positioning it as a promising alternative to conventional ML approaches that demand extensive and costly data acquisition.

Key highlights of the PIML model presented in this paper include:

  • Integration of Governing Equations: The model incorporates conservation laws such as momentum, mass, and energy directly into the neural network architecture.
  • Mesh-Free Approach: Unlike finite element methods (FEM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), the PIML framework employs a mesh-free method through automatic differentiation.
  • Reduced Computational Costs: The model is designed to be computationally efficient, thereby making it suitable for real-time in-situ monitoring of AM processes.


The authors constructed a physics-informed neural network (PINN) for predicting the thermal history in the LMD process of Ti-6Al-4V, a widely used alloy in manufacturing. The governing energy equations and thermal boundary conditions were meticulously integrated into the loss function of the neural network, consisting of PDE residuals, initial condition losses, and boundary condition losses.

The PIML model was trained using data generated from COMSOL Multiphysics software and validated against finite element analysis (FEA) models. Key process parameters such as laser power, scanning speed, and material properties were utilized to simulate a realistic LMD environment.

Results and Implications

The results of the study show that the PIML model can accurately predict temperature evolution during the LMD process, with a maximum absolute error of 61.2 K and a relative error of 3.7%—signifying a robust performance that is comparable to FEA models. The model's prediction accuracy on the top boundary, a critical region due to the presence of steep temperature gradients, demonstrates a relative error as low as 2.1%.

The implications of these findings are manifold:

  • Enhanced Monitoring: The successful integration of PIML in LMD can enable precise in-situ monitoring, potentially leading to improved control over the manufacturing process.
  • Reduced Dependence on Extensive Datasets: By eliminating the need for large labeled datasets, the approach can lower costs and expedite the deployment of smart manufacturing solutions.
  • Applicability to Other Manufacturing Processes: The broad applicability of the PIML framework suggests potential extensions to other manufacturing processes beyond LMD, such as powder bed fusion or selective laser melting.

Future Work

The authors acknowledge certain limitations and outline future avenues of research, which include:

  • Multi-Physical Predictions: The extension of PINN to incorporate multi-physics phenomena like residual stress and material deformation.
  • Transfer Learning Capabilities: Evaluating the framework’s effectiveness in transfer learning scenarios to adapt to different process parameters.
  • Digital Twin Integration: Developing the PIML model to serve as a digital twin for comprehensive monitoring and control of LMD processes in real-time.


The paper exemplifies a pivotal advancement in leveraging deep learning methods informed by physical principles to address challenges in smart additive manufacturing. The PIML framework stands out for its ability to provide accurate, data-efficient, and interpretable predictions, positioning it as a valuable tool for the future of smart manufacturing and potentially beyond.

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