Emergent Mind


Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) techniques leverage the in-context learning capabilities of LLMs to produce more accurate and relevant responses. Originating from the simple 'retrieve-then-read' approach, the RAG framework has evolved into a highly flexible and modular paradigm. A critical component, the Query Rewriter module, enhances knowledge retrieval by generating a search-friendly query. This method aligns input questions more closely with the knowledge base. Our research identifies opportunities to enhance the Query Rewriter module to Query Rewriter+ by generating multiple queries to overcome the Information Plateaus associated with a single query and by rewriting questions to eliminate Ambiguity, thereby clarifying the underlying intent. We also find that current RAG systems exhibit issues with Irrelevant Knowledge; to overcome this, we propose the Knowledge Filter. These two modules are both based on the instruction-tuned Gemma-2B model, which together enhance response quality. The final identified issue is Redundant Retrieval; we introduce the Memory Knowledge Reservoir and the Retriever Trigger to solve this. The former supports the dynamic expansion of the RAG system's knowledge base in a parameter-free manner, while the latter optimizes the cost for accessing external knowledge, thereby improving resource utilization and response efficiency. These four RAG modules synergistically improve the response quality and efficiency of the RAG system. The effectiveness of these modules has been validated through experiments and ablation studies across six common QA datasets. The source code can be accessed at https://github.com/Ancientshi/ERM4.

Integration of modules into Retrieve-then-Read pipeline to improve quality and efficiency using cached and external knowledge.


  • The paper introduces a modular approach to improve Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems by addressing key limitations through four distinct modules: Query Rewriter+, Knowledge Filter, Memory Knowledge Reservoir, and Retrieval Trigger.

  • These modules collectively enhance the accuracy and efficiency of open-domain Question Answering (QA) by generating better queries, filtering irrelevant information, caching useful knowledge, and smartly determining when to retrieve new information.

  • Experimental results across various QA datasets demonstrate significant improvements in retrieval quality, response accuracy, and efficiency, highlighting the practical and theoretical contributions of this modular framework.

Enhancing Retrieval and Managing Retrieval: A Four-Module Synergy for Improved Quality and Efficiency in RAG Systems

In the paper, the authors provide a comprehensive examination of improvements to Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. The proposed solution integrates four distinct modules designed to address common limitations in RAG frameworks. The core contributions of this work include the introduction of Query Rewriter+, Knowledge Filter, Memory Knowledge Reservoir, and Retrieval Trigger modules. Together, these components aim to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of RAG systems, particularly in open-domain Question Answering (QA).

Overview and Methodology

The traditional RAG pipeline, typically characterized by a "retrieve-then-read" approach, has been shown to suffer from limitations such as information plateaus, ambiguities in query intention, irrelevant knowledge retrieval, and redundant retrievals. The authors identify these issues and propose solutions encapsulated in four modules, each targeting specific drawbacks.

Query Rewriter+

The Query Rewriter+ module's primary function is twofold: rewriting the input query to clarify the user’s intent and generating multiple semantically diverse, search-friendly queries. The empirical motivation for this module is evidenced by the inadequacy of single queries, which plateau in retrieval effectiveness when faced with complex questions. In contrast, multiple queries can navigate around this plateau, improving both the precision and recall of retrieval. The Query Rewriter+ is fine-tuned using a LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) approach on the Gemma-2B model, leveraging a high-quality, semi-automatically constructed dataset. This fine-tuning equips the system to simultaneously generate multi-faceted queries and a rewritten question, significantly improving retrieval outcomes.

Knowledge Filter

The Knowledge Filter module addresses the noise introduced by irrelevant information during the retrieval process. By implementing a Natural Language Inference (NLI)-based filtering mechanism, this module ensures that only pertinent knowledge is retained for response generation. This effectively enhances the quality and robustness of the responses. Fine-tuned on a carefully curated dataset, the Knowledge Filter employs Gemma-2B to discern whether pieces of retrieved information are useful for answering the given question, thus preventing the degradation of response accuracy due to irrelevant context.

Memory Knowledge Reservoir and Retrieval Trigger

To mitigate redundant retrievals, especially for frequently recurring questions, the Memory Knowledge Reservoir module caches previously retrieved knowledge in a parameter-free manner. This dynamic expansion of the knowledge base allows for rapid access to historical data without redundant retrieval operations, optimizing resource utilization. The Retrieval Trigger module complements this by determining when new external knowledge needs to be retrieved based on a calibration-based metric. By establishing a similarity threshold, this module judiciously reduces the dependency on external queries, further streamlining the retrieval process.

Experimental Results

The authors validate their modular approach across six common QA datasets, including CAmbigNQ, Natural Questions (NQ), PopQA, AmbigNQ, 2WikiMQA, and HotPotQA. The experiments encompass both easy and challenging datasets, facilitating a thorough evaluation.

  • Query Rewriter+: Demonstrating a consistently higher performance than traditional single-query rewriters, the Query Rewriter+ module shows a significant increase in retrieval quality. This is particularly emphasized by the substantial improvements in datasets like HotpotQA and 2WikiMQA, which benefit from multi-hop reasoning facilitated by diverse queries.
  • Knowledge Filter: The Knowledge Filter module significantly enhances response accuracy by cleaning irrelevant information. This is corroborated by improvements across all datasets, notably on CAmbigNQ and PopQA, where the complexity of questions necessitates stringent filtering.
  • Memory Knowledge Reservoir and Retrieval Trigger: These modules combined reduce the response time by 46% for historically similar questions, underscoring the efficiency of the proposed framework without compromising response quality. Evaluation metrics such as F1 Score and Hit Rate exhibit improvements of up to 10%, illustrating the effectiveness of this approach in dynamically optimizing retrieval operations.

Implications and Future Developments

The implications of this work are both practical and theoretical. Practically, the proposed modules can be directly integrated into existing RAG systems to significantly enhance their performance in real-world applications. Theoretically, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of modular enhancements in AI systems, showcasing the importance of targeted improvements in specific components to achieve holistic enhancements.

Future developments could explore further refinement of the calibration-based Retrieval Trigger, perhaps exploiting more complex machine learning models to dynamically adjust retrieval strategies. Additionally, the expansion of the Memory Knowledge Reservoir to support even larger and more diverse datasets could offer richer, more nuanced responses.


In summary, the research presented in this paper makes a significant contribution to the advancement of RAG systems. By addressing key limitations through a well-structured, modular approach, the authors demonstrate measurable improvements in both the quality and efficiency of open-domain QA systems. The empirical results substantiate the theoretical claims, paving the way for more reliable and efficient AI-driven information retrieval architectures.

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