Emergent Mind


Generative Artificial Intelligence has grown exponentially as a result of LLMs. This has been possible because of the impressive performance of deep learning methods created within the field of NLP and its subfield Natural Language Generation (NLG), which is the focus of this paper. Within the growing LLM family are the popular GPT-4, Bard and more specifically, tools such as ChatGPT have become a benchmark for other LLMs when solving most of the tasks involved in NLG research. This scenario poses new questions about the next steps for NLG and how the field can adapt and evolve to deal with new challenges in the era of LLMs. To address this, the present paper conducts a review of a representative sample of surveys recently published in NLG. By doing so, we aim to provide the scientific community with a research roadmap to identify which NLG aspects are still not suitably addressed by LLMs, as well as suggest future lines of research that should be addressed going forward.

Research gaps to address in Natural Language Generation (NLG).


  • The paper offers a detailed analysis of the state of Natural Language Generation (NLG) and identifies critical research gaps, particularly focusing on advancements and limitations of LLMs.

  • It reviews 16 recent NLG surveys to identify key areas needing improvement, including multimodality, multilinguality, knowledge integration, controllable NLG, and mitigating hallucinations.

  • The authors propose future research directions such as enhancing explainability, narrative engagement, problem formulation beyond prompt engineering, efficiency improvements, and addressing ethical concerns.

Roadmap for Natural Language Generation: Analysis and Future Directions

The paper Beyond Generative Artificial Intelligence: Roadmap for Natural Language Generation by María Miró Maestre et al. provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of Natural Language Generation (NLG) and identifies the research gaps that need to be addressed to enhance the performance of existing systems, particularly LLMs. This essay summarizes the key points of the paper, emphasizing its contribution to both practical and theoretical aspects of NLG, and speculates on future research directions in the field.

Introduction and Scope of the Study

The authors acknowledge the exponential growth of Generative AI owing to advancements in LLMs such as GPT-4, Bard, and ChatGPT. These models have revolutionized the field by enabling a single system to tackle diverse NLG tasks. However, despite the success of these models, several challenges and unexplored areas remain. The paper aims to provide the research community with a roadmap highlighting these gaps and suggesting future research directions.

Evolution of Natural Language Generation

NLG has evolved significantly since the late 1970s. Early NLG architectures followed a modular pipeline consisting of three stages: Macroplanning, Microplanning, and Realization. Over time, these stages have become more flexible, leading to planning perspectives and eventually to global approaches driven by neural networks and transformers. The introduction of the transformer architecture marked a significant milestone, resulting in models that produce human-like text. Nonetheless, current LLMs have limitations, especially in terms of precision and generating text that faithfully mimics human output.

Methodology for Survey Analysis

The paper utilizes a methodology for reviewing recent NLG surveys published between 2016 and 2023. The authors selected 16 surveys, focusing on various aspects such as main objectives, inclusion of corpora, and methods used. This comprehensive analysis revealed critical research areas requiring attention.

Identified Research Gaps in NLG

Based on the survey analysis, the paper identifies several research gaps:

  1. Multimodality: Current LLMs often prioritize one type of input data (text, images, etc.) over others, leading to an imbalance. More multimodal training datasets are needed to improve performance across different data formats. Both Bard and GPT-4 have shown limitations in accurately processing multimodal inputs.
  2. Multilinguality: Despite the widespread use of English in NLG tasks, there is a need for models that cater to high and low-resourced languages. Current datasets predominantly focus on English, and models often fail to generalize effectively to other languages. Tests with Valencian (a variant of Catalan) demonstrated that both Bard and GPT-4 struggled with specific linguistic structures.
  3. Knowledge Integration and Controllable NLG: Neural models should incorporate additional knowledge to improve performance. Furthermore, there is a need for models that can generate text with specific attributes, such as emotional tone or demographic targeting. Current models like Bard and GPT-4 often misinterpret user intentions in controlled text generation tasks.
  4. Hallucination: Hallucinations occur when generated text seems fluent but contains untrustworthy or illogical content. This issue is prevalent in state-of-the-art LLMs, and mitigating it requires better training strategies and data management.

Future Research Directions Triggered by Generative AI

In addition to addressing the identified gaps, the authors propose several future research directions:

  1. Explainability: As LLMs become more complex, interpretability becomes crucial. Explainable AI can help users and developers understand model decisions, thereby building trust and improving the systems.
  2. Narrative Engagement: LLMs should not only generate coherent and causal narratives but also focus on plot development, suspense, and character depth.
  3. Beyond Prompt Engineering: While prompt engineering is essential, the focus should shift to problem formulation. This involves identifying, analyzing, and delineating problems to leverage generative AI effectively.
  4. Efficiency Issues: Reducing the computational cost and memory complexity of LLMs is vital. This includes developing methods for efficient document retrieval and processing longer texts.
  5. Ethical Concerns: Ethical considerations are critical, especially in areas like legal decisions and clinical predictions. LLMs should be designed to mitigate biases and preserve user privacy.


The paper by Miró Maestre et al. serves as a crucial resource for researchers in the NLG field. It provides a detailed analysis of current research, identifies significant gaps, and outlines a comprehensive roadmap for future studies. By addressing these issues, the research community can develop more robust, trustworthy, and efficient NLG systems. The proposed future research directions highlight the need for interdisciplinary approaches to tackle the complex challenges in NLG, ensuring that generative AI continues to evolve and improve.

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