Emergent Mind

CodeV: Empowering LLMs for Verilog Generation through Multi-Level Summarization

Published Jul 15, 2024 in cs.PL and cs.AI


The increasing complexity and high costs associated with modern processor design have led to a surge in demand for processor design automation. Instruction-tuned LLMs have demonstrated remarkable performance in automatically generating code for general-purpose programming languages like Python. However, these methods fail on hardware description languages (HDLs) like Verilog due to the scarcity of high-quality instruction tuning data, as even advanced LLMs like GPT-3.5 exhibit limited performance on Verilog generation. Regarding this issue, we observe that (1) Verilog code collected from the real world has higher quality than those generated by LLMs. (2) LLMs like GPT-3.5 excel in summarizing Verilog code rather than generating it. Based on these observations, this paper introduces CodeV, a series of open-source instruction-tuned Verilog generation LLMs. Instead of generating descriptions first and then getting the corresponding code from advanced LLMs, we prompt the LLM with Verilog code and let the LLM generate the corresponding natural language description by multi-level summarization. Experimental results show that CodeV relatively surpasses the previous open-source SOTA by 14.4% (BetterV in VerilogEval) and 11.3% (RTLCoder in RTLLM) respectively, and also relatively outperforms previous commercial SOTA GPT-4 by 22.1% in VerilogEval.

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