Emergent Mind


This article presents GLIM, a 3D range-inertial localization and mapping framework with GPU-accelerated scan matching factors. The odometry estimation module of GLIM employs a combination of fixed-lag smoothing and keyframe-based point cloud matching that makes it possible to deal with a few seconds of completely degenerated range data while efficiently reducing trajectory estimation drift. It also incorporates multi-camera visual feature constraints in a tightly coupled way to further improve the stability and accuracy. The global trajectory optimization module directly minimizes the registration errors between submaps over the entire map. This approach enables us to accurately constrain the relative pose between submaps with a small overlap. Although both the odometry estimation and global trajectory optimization algorithms require much more computation than existing methods, we show that they can be run in real-time due to the careful design of the registration error evaluation algorithm and the entire system to fully leverage GPU parallel processing.

Preprocessing, odometry estimation, local mapping, and global mapping, tightly coupling range and IMU constraints.


  • The paper introduces GLIM, a sophisticated SLAM framework that integrates range and inertial data, leveraging GPU acceleration for real-time performance.

  • GLIM improves odometry estimation using fixed-lag smoothing and keyframe-based point cloud matching while enhancing global trajectory optimization by minimizing registration errors between submaps.

  • The framework demonstrates superior accuracy in various tests with different sensors, highlighting its robustness and broad applicability in complex environments.

Review of GLIM: 3D Range-Inertial Localization and Mapping with GPU-Accelerated Scan Matching Factors

The paper "GLIM: 3D Range-Inertial Localization and Mapping with GPU-Accelerated Scan Matching Factors" presents a sophisticated framework for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) that integrates range data and inertial measurements and leverages GPU acceleration to ensure real-time performance. Authored by Kenji Koide et al., the paper meticulously addresses challenges in odometry estimation and global trajectory optimization, proposing viable solutions that outperform existing methods in multiple scenarios.

Odometry Estimation

The GLIM framework introduces a novel odometry estimation strategy that combines fixed-lag smoothing and keyframe-based point cloud matching. This approach diverges from conventional frame-to-model matching methodologies, offering substantial advantages in robustness and accuracy. By maintaining an optimization window and continually updating past sensor states within it, the method is adept at handling moments of degenerated range data, where traditional methods falter.

The odometry module also incorporates multi-camera visual constraints tightly coupled with range-IMU data to further stabilize and enhance accuracy. This inclusion is crucial for scenarios where geometric features are insufficient and serves to improve the resilience of the system against quick sensor motions.

Global Trajectory Optimization

For global trajectory optimization, the paper introduces an innovative approach that minimizes registration errors directly between submaps over the entire map. This method circumvents the limitations of conventional pose graph optimization, specifically the difficulty in accurately modeling relative pose constraints due to nonlinearity and small overlaps between point clouds. By directly computing point cloud registration errors on the factor graph, GLIM achieves more consistent mapping results.

The global optimization module effectively constrains submap poses with minimal overlap, a task where pose graph optimization traditionally struggles. Furthermore, the paper introduces the concept of submap endpoints to incorporate IMU constraints efficiently, thus better stabilizing the optimization process and reducing trajectory estimation errors across four degrees of freedom.

GPU Acceleration

A key innovation in GLIM is its use of a GPU-accelerated registration error evaluation algorithm, significantly enhancing real-time capabilities which were previously deemed infeasible for such computationally intensive tasks. The efficient design for factor graph linearization and serialization minimizes CPU-GPU synchronization overhead, capitalizing on the parallel processing power of modern GPUs.

Experimental Validation

Various tests, ranging from simulations to real-world experiments, demonstrate the robustness and versatility of GLIM. Notably, the algorithm's resilience to degenerated range data—situations where methods like LIO-SAM and FAST-LIO2 struggle—is underscored through simulations and real-world experiments. Additionally, its application to different sensors, including LiDARs, depth cameras, and stereo cameras, showcases its broad applicability and robustness against sensor-specific noise and environmental changes.

Comparative Analysis

Compared to state-of-the-art methods, GLIM exhibits superior accuracy in trajectory estimation, as evidenced by quantitative evaluations on datasets like the Multi-Camera Newer College Dataset and NTU VIRAL Dataset. The inclusion of visual constraints further refines its performance, with reductions in average absolute trajectory errors across various sequences, underscoring its utility in complex environments.

Implications and Future Work

Practically, GLIM's enhancements in odometry and global mapping accuracy have profound implications for numerous applications, including autonomous driving and robotics, where reliable sensing and mapping are critical. Theoretically, it paves the way for further exploration into GPU-based factor graph optimizations and integration of additional sensory modalities.

Future developments could focus on increasing robustness to long-term range data degeneration, potentially incorporating learning-based motion estimation models and additional sensory data. Moreover, scalability for larger mapping problems could be addressed through distributed optimization algorithms synergized with GPU-based factors.


The GLIM framework represents a significant advancement in range-IMU SLAM, with its GPU-accelerated algorithms enabling robust and accurate localization and mapping in challenging scenarios. By addressing limitations of existing methods and introducing innovative solutions, GLIM sets a new benchmark for real-time 3D SLAM technologies. The open-source release of GLIM further contributes to its potential impact, inviting the research community to build and expand upon these foundational advancements.

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