Emergent Mind


In this paper, we introduce Textured-GS, an innovative method for rendering Gaussian splatting that incorporates spatially defined color and opacity variations using Spherical Harmonics (SH). This approach enables each Gaussian to exhibit a richer representation by accommodating varying colors and opacities across its surface, significantly enhancing rendering quality compared to traditional methods. To demonstrate the merits of our approach, we have adapted the Mini-Splatting architecture to integrate textured Gaussians without increasing the number of Gaussians. Our experiments across multiple real-world datasets show that Textured-GS consistently outperforms both the baseline Mini-Splatting and standard 3DGS in terms of visual fidelity. The results highlight the potential of Textured-GS to advance Gaussian-based rendering technologies, promising more efficient and high-quality scene reconstructions.

Rendering quality comparison showing the superior performance of the method over Mini-Splatting across metrics.


  • Textured-GS enhances 3D Gaussian splatting by integrating spatially varying colors and opacities using Spherical Harmonics (SH), improving scene reconstruction quality.

  • The method optimizes color and opacity modulation across Gaussian surfaces without additional parameters, utilizing the Mini-Splatting framework for efficient rendering.

  • Experimental results across multiple datasets show Textured-GS outperforms existing methods in visual quality metrics while maintaining high computational efficiency.

Textured-GS: Gaussian Splatting with Spatially Defined Color and Opacity

The paper "Textured-GS: Gaussian Splatting with Spatially Defined Color and Opacity" authored by Zhentao Huang and Minglun Gong presents a significant advancement in the realm of 3D scene rendering. This paper introduces an enhanced method for Gaussian splatting, primarily focusing on the integration of spatially defined color and opacity variations using Spherical Harmonics (SH). The innovation addressed in this work significantly improves upon existing Gaussian splatting methods by providing more detailed and high-quality scene reconstructions while maintaining computational efficiency.

Overview of Textured-GS

Textured-GS is a novel approach designed to enhance the representational capability of 3D Gaussians by incorporating spatially varying colors and opacities. Traditional Gaussian splatting techniques assign a single color and opacity to each Gaussian, which tends to limit the granularity and fidelity of rendered scenes. By contrast, Textured-GS employs SH to modulate the color and opacity of each Gaussian across its surface, enabling richer and more complex visual representations.

Key contributions of Textured-GS include:

  • Textured Gaussian Surfaces: By utilizing SH, each Gaussian can exhibit varying colors and opacities across its surface without the need for additional parameters.
  • Opacity Variations: The incorporation of an opacity channel in the SH framework allows for dynamic opacity changes, leading to more precise and visually appealing renderings.
  • Optimization Efficiency: The Textured-GS method was implemented within the Mini-Splatting framework, which optimizes the placement and number of Gaussians to achieve state-of-the-art rendering quality with fewer resources.

Experimental Evaluation

The Textured-GS method was evaluated across three real-world datasets: Mip-NeRF360, Tanks and Temples, and Deep Blending. The authors conducted a comprehensive comparison with existing methods, including the baseline 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) and Mini-Splatting. The results consistently demonstrated that Textured-GS outperformed these baselines in terms of visual quality metrics such as Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS).

For instance, in the Mip-NeRF360 dataset, Textured-GS achieved SSIM of 0.825 and PSNR of 27.64, surpassing other methods like Mini-Splatting-D and competing closely with Zip-NeRF, a NeRF-based method. The results highlight Textured-GS's ability to maintain high rendering quality while utilizing fewer Gaussians, indicating better efficiency and efficacy.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The practical implications of Textured-GS are profound, particularly in applications requiring high-fidelity rendering on constrained devices such as smartphones and head-mounted displays. The methodological improvements reduce the memory footprint and computational demands without compromising on the visual fidelity of complex scenes. This opens avenues for more immersive and visually rich experiences in virtual and augmented reality contexts.

Theoretical advancements include the novel use of SH to texturize 3D Gaussians, which could inspire further exploration into combining other mathematical frameworks with traditional rendering techniques. The approach of treating each Gaussian as a textured entity—varying dynamically with the viewing angle and local surface properties—may be adapted to other domains within computer graphics and vision for enhanced scene representation and rendering.

Future Developments in AI

Future developments spurred by this research could explore deeper integration of adaptive Gaussian control, starting from the output of structure-from-motion point clouds to fully optimized Gaussian sets capable of representing even more complex scenes. End-to-end optimization frameworks that incorporate adaptive control and densification of Gaussians could further enhance rendering quality and efficiency, potentially surpassing the capabilities of current state-of-the-art techniques like Zip-NeRF.

The concept of using SH for detailed texturing may also find applications outside of rendering, such as in texture mapping, procedural texture generation, and other areas where spatial variations are critical. Continual advancements in computational hardware and parallel processing will likely make such sophisticated techniques more accessible and practical for everyday applications in graphics and AI.


In conclusion, the Textured-GS method brings forward a well-conceived and thoroughly evaluated enhancement to Gaussian splatting techniques. By embedding spatially defined color and opacity variations within each Gaussian through SH, the authors have significantly improved the fidelity and efficiency of scene rendering. This work not only provides immediate practical benefits but also sets the stage for future research avenues in AI-driven rendering technologies. Through meticulous experimentation and a strong theoretical foundation, Textured-GS represents a noteworthy contribution to the field of computer graphics and vision.

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