Emergent Mind


Transformer-based LLMs have demonstrated their power in various tasks, but their inference incurs significant time and energy costs. To accelerate LLM inference, speculative decoding uses a smaller model to propose one sequence of tokens, which are subsequently validated in batch by the target large model. Compared with autoregressive decoding, speculative decoding generates the same number of tokens with fewer runs of the large model, hence accelerating the overall inference by $1$-$2\times$. However, greedy decoding is not the optimal decoding algorithm in terms of output perplexity, which is a direct measurement of the effectiveness of a decoding algorithm. An algorithm that has better output perplexity and even better efficiency than speculative decoding can be more useful in practice. To achieve this seemingly contradictory goal, we first introduce multi-token joint greedy decoding (MJGD), which greedily generates multiple tokens at each step based on their joint perplexity. We show that it leads to better perplexity for the whole output. But the computation cost of MJGD is infeasible in practice. So we further propose multi-token joint speculative decoding (MJSD), which approximates and accelerates the MJGD from two aspects: it approximates the joint distribution of the large model with that of a small model, and uses a verification step to guarantee the accuracy of approximation; then it uses beam decoding to accelerate the sequence generation from the joint distribution. Compared with vanilla speculative decoding, MJSD has two advantages: (1) it is an approximation of MJGD, thus achieving better output perplexity; (2) verification with joint likelihood allows it to accept the longest prefix sub-sequence of the draft tokens with valid perplexity, leading to better efficiency...

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