Emergent Mind

HiPPO-Prophecy: State-Space Models can Provably Learn Dynamical Systems in Context

Published Jul 12, 2024 in cs.LG and stat.ML


This work explores the in-context learning capabilities of State Space Models (SSMs) and presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first theoretical explanation of a possible underlying mechanism. We introduce a novel weight construction for SSMs, enabling them to predict the next state of any dynamical system after observing previous states without parameter fine-tuning. This is accomplished by extending the HiPPO framework to demonstrate that continuous SSMs can approximate the derivative of any input signal. Specifically, we find an explicit weight construction for continuous SSMs and provide an asymptotic error bound on the derivative approximation. The discretization of this continuous SSM subsequently yields a discrete SSM that predicts the next state. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our parameterization empirically. This work should be an initial step toward understanding how sequence models based on SSMs learn in context.

Filtered Noise and White Signal functions with predictions from LegT and FouT for different parameters.


  • The paper extends the HiPPO framework to demonstrate that State-Space Models (SSMs) can approximate the derivative of any input signal and predict the next state of dynamical systems without parameter fine-tuning.

  • An asymptotic error bound is provided, indicating that the approximation error decreases polynomially with the hidden state size, and empirical experiments validate these theoretical findings.

  • The research provides practical benefits such as computational efficiency and the ability to generalize to longer sequences without quadratic computational cost, making SSMs useful for large-scale temporal data applications.

HiPPO-Prophecy: State-Space Models Can Provably Learn Dynamical Systems in Context

This paper addresses the theoretical capabilities of State-Space Models (SSMs) in in-context learning (ICL), focusing on the extension of the HiPPO framework. The primary contribution of the research is a novel weight construction for SSMs that enables these models to predict the next state of any dynamical system given a sequence of prior states without the need for parameter fine-tuning.

Main Contributions

Theory and Weight Construction:

  • The paper extends the HiPPO framework, originally limited to memorization tasks, to show that SSMs can also approximate the derivative of any input signal.
  • By constructing explicit weights for continuous SSMs, the authors demonstrate that these models can perform derivative approximation with an asymptotic error bound.
  • Upon discretization, the continuous SSM yields a discrete SSM competent in autoregressive ICL tasks.

Error Analysis:

  • The authors provide an asymptotic error bound on the derivative approximation error of the proposed weight construction, suggesting that the approximation error decreases polynomially with the hidden state size, specifically at a rate of ( \mathcal{O}(L/N{k-2}) ).

Empirical Validation:

  • Extensive experiments validate the theoretical findings. The authors tested their construction on multiple function classes, different model sizes, and varying context lengths.
  • Results indicate that models equipped with the proposed weight construction perform well in learning the next state of dynamical systems without task-specific fine-tuning.

Theoretical Implications

The theoretical foundations laid in this paper extend the understanding of SSMs' capabilities, specifically their potential for in-context learning. The research reveals:

  • SSMs’ Underlying Mechanism: The explicit weight construction provided offers insights into how SSMs can leverage past information encoded within their hidden states to predict future states. This mechanism bridges a crucial knowledge gap between observed empirical ICL capabilities and the theoretical limitations.
  • General Applicability: The approach's generalization to any dynamical system underscores the robustness of the proposed method. Unlike classical machine learning models that require task-specific training, the SSM constructions proposed here are general-purpose.

Practical Implications

From a practical standpoint, the findings are promising for several reasons:

  • Computational Efficiency: By eliminating the need for fine-tuning, the proposed SSM weight constructions can significantly enhance computational efficiency in real-world applications.
  • Length Generalization: The ability of SSMs to generalize to longer sequences without quadratic computational cost can be crucial for dealing with large-scale temporal data.

Experimental Results

  • White Signal and Filtered Noise: The SSMs demonstrated strong performance in approximating signals of varying complexity, such as white signals and filtered noise processes. These results show that the models can handle high-frequency and low-frequency components effectively.
  • Ordinary Differential Equations: In predicting the next states of systems governed by ODEs like the Van der Pol Oscillator and the Bernoulli equation, the SSMs showed promising accuracy, with LegT variants generally outperforming FouT.
  • Context Length: Experiments varying context length consistently showed improved performance with increased context, indicating the models' proficiency in leveraging long sequences of previous states.

Future Directions

The promising results and novel theoretical insights open several avenues for future research:

  • Investigating Gating Mechanisms: The influence of gating mechanisms in contemporary SSMs, such as Mamba and Griffin, on ICL capabilities warrants further exploration.
  • Impact of Non-linearities: Examining the role of fully connected layers and non-linearities following the SSM blocks could provide additional performance improvements or insights into more complex sequence modeling tasks.
  • Multi-step Prediction Stability: Addressing instability in multi-step predictions remains a vital challenge. Future work could explore methods to enhance stability and reliability in long-term forecasting.


In summary, this work introduces a significant theoretical advancement in the use of SSMs for autoregressive in-context learning. The novel explicit weight constructions provide a concrete mechanism by which SSMs can predict future states of dynamical systems without fine-tuning, supported by empirical evaluations and theoretical proofs. This groundwork not only advances SSM literature but also sets the stage for more robust, efficient models in sequence prediction tasks.

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