Emergent Mind


In this note we consider the SDE \begin{equation} \text{d}Xt = b (t, Xt) \text{d} t + \sqrt{2} \text{d} B_t, \label{mainSDE} \end{equation} in dimension $d \geqslant 2$, where $B$ is a Brownian motion and $b : \mathbb{R}+ \rightarrow \mathcal{S}' (\mathbb{R}d ; \mathbb{R}d)$ is distributional, scaling super-critical and satisfies $\nabla \cdot b \equiv 0$. We partially extend the super-critical weak well-posedness result for energy solutions from [GP24] by allowing a mixture of the regularity regimes treated therein: Outside of environments of a small (and compared to [GP24] ''time-dependent'') set $K \subset \mathbb{R}+ \times \mathbb{R}d$, the antisymmetric matrix field $A$ with $bi = \nabla\cdot Ai$ is assumed to be in a certain supercritical $LqT H{s, p}$-type class that allows a direct link between the PDE and the SDE from a-priori estimates up to the stopping time of visiting $K$. To establish this correspondence, and thus uniqueness, globally in time we then show that $K$ is actually never visited which requires us to impose a relation between the dimension of $K$ and the H\"older regularity of $X$.

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