Emergent Mind

Pronunciation Assessment with Multi-modal Large Language Models

Published Jul 12, 2024 in cs.CL and eess.AS


LLMs, renowned for their powerful conversational abilities, are widely recognized as exceptional tools in the field of education, particularly in the context of automated intelligent instruction systems for language learning. In this paper, we propose a scoring system based on LLMs, motivated by their positive impact on text-related scoring tasks. Specifically, the speech encoder first maps the learner's speech into contextual features. The adapter layer then transforms these features to align with the text embedding in latent space. The assessment task-specific prefix and prompt text are embedded and concatenated with the features generated by the modality adapter layer, enabling the LLMs to predict accuracy and fluency scores. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed scoring systems achieve competitive results compared to the baselines on the Speechocean762 datasets. Moreover, we also conducted an ablation study to better understand the contributions of the prompt text and training strategy in the proposed scoring system.

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