Emergent Mind

SpreadsheetLLM: Encoding Spreadsheets for Large Language Models

Published Jul 12, 2024 in cs.AI


Spreadsheets, with their extensive two-dimensional grids, various layouts, and diverse formatting options, present notable challenges for LLMs. In response, we introduce SpreadsheetLLM, pioneering an efficient encoding method designed to unleash and optimize LLMs' powerful understanding and reasoning capability on spreadsheets. Initially, we propose a vanilla serialization approach that incorporates cell addresses, values, and formats. However, this approach was limited by LLMs' token constraints, making it impractical for most applications. To tackle this challenge, we develop SheetCompressor, an innovative encoding framework that compresses spreadsheets effectively for LLMs. It comprises three modules: structural-anchor-based compression, inverse index translation, and data-format-aware aggregation. It significantly improves performance in spreadsheet table detection task, outperforming the vanilla approach by 25.6% in GPT4's in-context learning setting. Moreover, fine-tuned LLM with SheetCompressor has an average compression ratio of 25 times, but achieves a state-of-the-art 78.9% F1 score, surpassing the best existing models by 12.3%. Finally, we propose Chain of Spreadsheet for downstream tasks of spreadsheet understanding and validate in a new and demanding spreadsheet QA task. We methodically leverage the inherent layout and structure of spreadsheets, demonstrating that SpreadsheetLLM is highly effective across a variety of spreadsheet tasks.

SheetCompressor framework reducing a 576-row spreadsheet to 24×8, achieving a compact 708-token representation.


  • The paper introduces SpreadsheetLLM, a framework that optimizes LLMs for understanding and reasoning with spreadsheet data through efficient encoding methods.

  • The SheetCompressor framework is a core component, featuring modules like structural-anchor-based extraction, inverted-index translation, and data-format-aware aggregation to enhance performance and compression.

  • Evaluations show significant improvements in spreadsheet table detection, token usage efficiency, and question answering tasks, suggesting the method's strong adaptability and practical utility.

Overview of SpreadsheetLLM: Encoding Spreadsheets for LLMs

The paper "SpreadsheetLLM: Encoding Spreadsheets for LLMs" presents a novel approach to address the challenges posed by the unique structure and complexity of spreadsheets in the context of LLMs. The paper introduces the SpreadsheetLLM framework that proposes an efficient encoding method to optimize LLMs' understanding and reasoning capabilities on spreadsheet data.

Introduction and Challenges

Spreadsheets are vital tools for data management and analysis but have complex structures owing to extensive two-dimensional grids, flexible layouts, and various formatting options. These characteristics necessitate advanced handling techniques, as traditional methods fall short in dealing with sparsity, token limits, and meaningful semantic extraction from spreadsheet-specific elements such as cell addresses and formats. The primary objective of the SpreadsheetLLM framework is to overcome these hurdles and leverage the power of LLMs in spreadsheet understanding and reasoning tasks.

SheetCompressor Framework

The paper introduces the SheetCompressor framework, aimed at enabling efficient compression of spreadsheets for LLM consumption. This framework comprises three critical modules:

  1. Structural-anchor-based Extraction: This module identifies the most informative parts of the spreadsheet by detecting structural anchors – rows and columns that provide essential layout insights while discarding redundant and homogeneous regions.
  2. Inverted-index Translation: This module converts the traditional grid layout into a compact dictionary format, effectively optimizing token usage by indexing non-empty cells and merging repetitive values.
  3. Data-format-aware Aggregation: This module aggregates adjacent numerical cells sharing similar formats, focusing on data types and formats instead of individual numerical values, thus providing a compact and semantically rich representation.

Evaluation and Performance

The methods proposed were extensively evaluated on spreadsheet table detection and spreadsheet QA (question answering) tasks, demonstrating significant improvements in performance and efficiency.

  • Spreadsheet Table Detection: The fine-tuned GPT4 model with SheetCompressor achieved an F1 score of 78.9%, surpassing the previous state-of-the-art by 12.3%.
  • Compression Efficiency: The sheet compression method afforded a 25x reduction in token usage, demonstrating remarkable efficiency improvements.
  • Spreadsheet QA Task: Utilizing the Chain of Spreadsheet (CoS) methodology, the framework achieved an accuracy of 74.3%, indicating robust performance even in multi-table scenarios.

Implications and Future Directions

The advancements introduced by SpreadsheetLLM have practical and theoretical implications:

  • Enhanced Analytical Tools: This framework paves the way for more sophisticated and accurate spreadsheet analysis tools, which can handle complex layouts and large datasets more efficiently.
  • Token Efficiency: Significant cost reductions in computational resources make this approach viable for large-scale and real-time applications.
  • Generalization Potential: The SheetCompressor framework exhibits strong adaptability for various LLMs, including both closed-source and open-source models.

Future directions could explore further enhancements in understanding format-specific information within cells, broader application scenarios such as formula and code generation from spreadsheet data, and extending the capabilities to handle even more complex data representation and extraction tasks.


The paper sets a solid foundation for leveraging LLMs in spreadsheet data analysis and presents a significant step forward in effectively handling the complex structure of spreadsheets. The innovative methods within SpreadsheetLLM, particularly the SheetCompressor framework, substantially improve efficiency and accuracy, extending the practical utility and theoretical understanding of LLMs in the domain of spreadsheet data processing.

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