Emergent Mind

Robustness of LLMs to Perturbations in Text

Published Jul 12, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Having a clean dataset has been the foundational assumption of most NLP systems. However, properly written text is rarely found in real-world scenarios and hence, oftentimes invalidates the aforementioned foundational assumption. Recently, LLMs have shown impressive performance, but can they handle the inevitable noise in real-world data? This work tackles this critical question by investigating LLMs' resilience against morphological variations in text. To that end, we artificially introduce varying levels of noise into a diverse set of datasets and systematically evaluate LLMs' robustness against the corrupt variations of the original text. Our findings show that contrary to popular beliefs, generative LLMs are quiet robust to noisy perturbations in text. This is a departure from pre-trained models like BERT or RoBERTa whose performance has been shown to be sensitive to deteriorating noisy text. Additionally, we test LLMs' resilience on multiple real-world benchmarks that closely mimic commonly found errors in the wild. With minimal prompting, LLMs achieve a new state-of-the-art on the benchmark tasks of Grammar Error Correction (GEC) and Lexical Semantic Change (LSC). To empower future research, we also release a dataset annotated by humans stating their preference for LLM vs. human-corrected outputs along with the code to reproduce our results.

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