Emergent Mind


Training LLMs and multimodal LLMs necessitates significant computing resources, and existing publicly available LLMs are typically pre-trained on diverse, privately curated datasets spanning various tasks. For instance, LLaMA, Vicuna, and LLaVA are three LLM variants trained with LLaMA base models using very different training recipes, tasks, and data modalities. The training cost and complexity for such LLM variants grow rapidly. In this study, we propose to use a soup strategy to assemble these LLM variants into a single well-generalized multimodal LLM (SoupLM) in a cost-efficient manner. Assembling these LLM variants efficiently brings knowledge and specialities trained from different domains and data modalities into an integrated one (e.g., chatbot speciality from user-shared conversations for Vicuna, and visual capacity from vision-language data for LLaVA), therefore, to avoid computing costs of repetitive training on several different domains. We propose series of soup strategies to systematically benchmark performance gains across various configurations, and probe the soup behavior across base models in the interpolation space.

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