Emergent Mind

What's the score? Automated Denoising Score Matching for Nonlinear Diffusions

Published Jul 10, 2024 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Reversing a diffusion process by learning its score forms the heart of diffusion-based generative modeling and for estimating properties of scientific systems. The diffusion processes that are tractable center on linear processes with a Gaussian stationary distribution. This limits the kinds of models that can be built to those that target a Gaussian prior or more generally limits the kinds of problems that can be generically solved to those that have conditionally linear score functions. In this work, we introduce a family of tractable denoising score matching objectives, called local-DSM, built using local increments of the diffusion process. We show how local-DSM melded with Taylor expansions enables automated training and score estimation with nonlinear diffusion processes. To demonstrate these ideas, we use automated-DSM to train generative models using non-Gaussian priors on challenging low dimensional distributions and the CIFAR10 image dataset. Additionally, we use the automated-DSM to learn the scores for nonlinear processes studied in statistical physics.

Training with Automated Deep Score Matrices (DSM) enhances model performance with less human intervention.


  • The paper introduces a novel approach called local-DSM for training diffusion-based generative models and estimating scores for nonlinear diffusions, leveraging Taylor expansions and local increments of the diffusion process.

  • Key contributions include tractable score approximations, a dynamic scheduler to manage error in approximations, and an automated training framework using the Hutchinson trace estimator.

  • Empirical results on synthetic datasets, the CIFAR-10 dataset, and high-dimensional nonlinear systems demonstrate the approach's superior performance, faster convergence, and ability to handle complex distributions.

Automated Denoising Score Matching for Nonlinear Diffusions

The paper "What’s the score? \Automated Denoising Score Matching for Nonlinear Diffusions" introduces a novel approach for training diffusion-based generative models, as well as estimating scores for nonlinear diffusions. The core contribution is the introduction of a family of tractable denoising score matching objectives, termed local-DSM, which utilize local increments of the diffusion process.

The motivation behind this work lies in the limitations associated with existing diffusion-based generative models that predominantly focus on linear processes with Gaussian stationary distributions. This constriction hinders the development of models targeting non-Gaussian priors and solving problems with non-Gaussian transition kernels.

Methodological Contributions

The authors make several methodological advancements:

  1. Local-DSM Objective: This objective is built from local increments of the diffusion process. It is melded with Taylor expansions to facilitate automated training and score estimation with nonlinear diffusion processes.
  2. Tractable Score Approximations: By locally linearizing the drift function using Taylor expansions around sample points, the work illustrates how to derive tractable approximations to the transition kernel's score.
  3. Scheduler Design: To control the error in linear approximations, the authors introduce a scheduling mechanism that selects time pairs (s, t) in a manner that dynamically adapts to control approximation errors.
  4. Automated DSM Algorithm: By leveraging the Hutchinson trace estimator and differentiable approximations to compute model gradients, the paper proposes an automated training framework for nonlinear inference processes.

Empirical Validation

The empirical validation is carried out across multiple fronts:

  1. Synthetic Low-dimensional Examples: The paper demonstrates that diffusion models trained with the local-DSM objective converge significantly faster than those trained with the traditional implicit score matching (ISM) objective on synthetic 2D datasets.
  2. CIFAR-10 Dataset: The paper shows that for image generation tasks using challenging distributions as model priors (e.g., Logistic, mixture of Gaussians), the local-DSM trained models achieve better bits-per-dim (bpd) scores compared to ISM-trained models. Notably, the local-DSM equipped models produced more realistic samples for image synthesis.
  3. Non-Equilibrium Stochastic Dynamics: For scientific systems modeled by high-dimensional nonlinear diffusion processes, the local-DSM approach demonstrates superior performance in estimating system properties, such as entropy production rates and probability currents.

Theoretical Foundations

The theoretical underpinnings rest on a few key observations and derivations:

  • By converting the implicit score matching (ISM) objective into a denoising score matching (DSM) framework that works on locally linearized process increments, the gradients become more computationally tractable.
  • The error bounds for local linear approximations are strictly controlled through the design of a time pair scheduler, ensuring that numerical stability and model accuracy are maintained.
  • The authors provide rigorous proofs that bind the KL-divergence between the true and approximate transition kernels, leveraging Jensen's inequality and properties of the local transitions.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

From a practical standpoint, the introduction of the local-DSM framework expands the applicability of denoising score matching techniques to a wider array of nonlinear inference processes. This advancement opens doors for incorporating more complex, non-Gaussian priors in generative models, thus broadening the landscape of probabilistic modeling in machine learning.

Theoretically, the work advances the frontier in understanding the interplay between nonlinearities in SDEs and their score functions within a tractable computational framework. The automated nature of the proposed techniques reduces the need for manual derivations, streamlining the integration into existing machine learning pipelines.

Future Directions

Several future directions emanate from this work:

  • One could investigate the application of local-DSM objectives in variational inference frameworks beyond generative modeling, potentially enhancing techniques in model-based reinforcement learning or probabilistic programming.
  • Further exploration into more sophisticated local linearization techniques could provide even tighter bound improvements, expanding the applicability to even higher-dimensional and more complex nonlinear systems.
  • Finally, integrating hardware acceleration and optimizing computations for high-dimensional state spaces would make the approach viable for real-time applications.

In summary, this paper provides a significant contribution to the domain of diffusion-based generative modeling and score estimation for nonlinear diffusions by introducing the local-DSM framework. By automating complex derivations and providing robust empirical validation, it sets a foundation for future research and applications in both machine learning and scientific domains.

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