Emergent Mind

Continuous Control with Coarse-to-fine Reinforcement Learning

Published Jul 10, 2024 in cs.RO , cs.AI , cs.CV , cs.LG , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Despite recent advances in improving the sample-efficiency of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, designing an RL algorithm that can be practically deployed in real-world environments remains a challenge. In this paper, we present Coarse-to-fine Reinforcement Learning (CRL), a framework that trains RL agents to zoom-into a continuous action space in a coarse-to-fine manner, enabling the use of stable, sample-efficient value-based RL algorithms for fine-grained continuous control tasks. Our key idea is to train agents that output actions by iterating the procedure of (i) discretizing the continuous action space into multiple intervals and (ii) selecting the interval with the highest Q-value to further discretize at the next level. We then introduce a concrete, value-based algorithm within the CRL framework called Coarse-to-fine Q-Network (CQN). Our experiments demonstrate that CQN significantly outperforms RL and behavior cloning baselines on 20 sparsely-rewarded RLBench manipulation tasks with a modest number of environment interactions and expert demonstrations. We also show that CQN robustly learns to solve real-world manipulation tasks within a few minutes of online training.


  • The paper introduces Coarse-to-fine Reinforcement Learning (CRL), an innovative framework addressing the sample-efficiency challenges in continuous control tasks by leveraging a hierarchical discretization approach.

  • The CRL framework uses the Coarse-to-fine Q-Network (CQN) algorithm to iteratively discretize the action space into finer intervals, achieving fine-grained control without the complexities of actor-critic methods.

  • Experimental results demonstrate that CQN outperforms state-of-the-art RL algorithms in both simulated and real-world tasks, highlighting its effectiveness in improving sample efficiency and learning stability.

Continuous Control with Coarse-to-fine Reinforcement Learning

This paper, authored by Younggyo Seo, Jafar Uruc, and Stephen James from the Dyson Robot Learning Lab, introduces a novel framework termed Coarse-to-fine Reinforcement Learning (CRL), which addresses the sample-efficiency challenges of reinforcement learning (RL) in continuous control tasks. The proposed CRL framework leverages a hierarchical discretization approach to the action space, enabling fine-grained control without resorting to the complexities introduced by actor-critic methods.

The authors underline the limitations of current actor-critic RL algorithms in continuous control, mainly focusing on instabilities and inefficiencies due to the interaction between actor and critic networks. To circumvent these issues, the CRL framework employs a value-based RL algorithm called Coarse-to-fine Q-Network (CQN). This algorithm iteratively discretizes the action space into increasingly finer intervals and selects the interval with the highest Q-value at each level.


  1. Coarse-to-fine Discretization: The continuous action space is discretized iteratively across multiple levels. Each level discretizes its interval into bins, and the interval with the highest Q-value at the current level is further discretized at the next level.
  2. Critic Architecture: The proposed critic architecture takes as input the features, the previous level's actions, and level indices to output Q-values for the current level's actions. This hierarchical structure ensures that each Q-network at a given level and dimension is conditioned on the decisions made at the previous level.
  3. Q-Learning Objective: The paper defines a Q-learning objective tailored to the hierarchical critic. The authors also introduce an auxiliary behavior cloning (BC) objective to leverage expert demonstrations, enhancing the performance and stability of the learning process.

Experimental Results

The authors conducted extensive experiments on RLBench, a benchmark for robotic manipulation tasks, and a set of real-world tasks. Their findings are summarized as follows:

  1. Simulation Tasks: CQN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art RL and behavior cloning baselines on 20 sparsely rewarded tasks from RLBench. Notably, CQN demonstrated substantial improvements in sample-efficiency compared to both DrQ-v2 and its optimized variant DrQ-v2+.
  2. Real-world Tasks: In four real-world manipulation tasks, CQN robustly learned to solve tasks within a few minutes of online training, surpassing the performance of other RL algorithms. The simplicity and stability of the value-based approach allowed for effective and rapid learning in a practical setting.

Analysis and Ablations

Several ablation studies were conducted to evaluate the contributions of various components in the CRL framework:

  • Increasing the number of levels or bins showed the expected trade-offs, confirming that an intermediate setting (e.g., 3 levels and 5 bins) is optimal for balancing precision and sample-efficiency.
  • The addition of the BC objective was crucial for maintaining the performance advantage over RL-only baselines.
  • The effect of exploration strategies and target Q-networks for action selection also highlighted the benefits of their proposed methods.

Implications and Future Directions

The CRL framework and the CQN algorithm present a promising direction for efficient and stable learning of fine-grained continuous control policies. The innovative hierarchical discretization approach overcomes the limitations of traditional actor-critic algorithms by simplifying the learning process.

Practically, this implies a more feasible deployment of RL algorithms in real-world applications, especially in settings requiring high-precision control with limited sample availability. Theoretically, it opens up potential research avenues in hierarchical reinforcement learning, advanced exploration strategies, and enhanced representation learning techniques.

Future work could focus on several aspects:

  • Advanced Exploration Mechanisms: Enhancing the exploration strategies to better leverage the hierarchical discretization could lead to even higher sample-efficiencies.
  • Representation Learning: Incorporating more sophisticated visual encoders and self-supervised learning techniques could improve generalization and robustness.
  • High UTD Ratios: Investigating the feasibility of high update-to-data ratios in real-world settings without automated reset mechanisms.
  • Human-in-the-loop Learning: Leveraging human guidance and feedback in a structured manner could further accelerate the learning process, making RL more practical and adaptable to a wider range of real-world tasks.

Overall, the paper presents a compelling approach for tackling continuous control with RL, demonstrating promising results both in simulations and real-world scenarios, and importantly, setting the stage for future advancements in the field.

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