Emergent Mind

Fine-Tuning Large Language Models with User-Level Differential Privacy

Published Jul 10, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.CL , cs.CR , and cs.DC


We investigate practical and scalable algorithms for training LLMs with user-level differential privacy (DP) in order to provably safeguard all the examples contributed by each user. We study two variants of DP-SGD with: (1) example-level sampling (ELS) and per-example gradient clipping, and (2) user-level sampling (ULS) and per-user gradient clipping. We derive a novel user-level DP accountant that allows us to compute provably tight privacy guarantees for ELS. Using this, we show that while ELS can outperform ULS in specific settings, ULS generally yields better results when each user has a diverse collection of examples. We validate our findings through experiments in synthetic mean estimation and LLM fine-tuning tasks under fixed compute budgets. We find that ULS is significantly better in settings where either (1) strong privacy guarantees are required, or (2) the compute budget is large. Notably, our focus on LLM-compatible training algorithms allows us to scale to models with hundreds of millions of parameters and datasets with hundreds of thousands of users.

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