Emergent Mind


LLMs have been applied to many research problems across various domains. One of the applications of LLMs is providing question-answering systems that cater to users from different fields. The effectiveness of LLM-based question-answering systems has already been established at an acceptable level for users posing questions in popular and public domains such as trivia and literature. However, it has not often been established in niche domains that traditionally require specialized expertise. To this end, we construct the NEPAQuAD1.0 benchmark to evaluate the performance of three frontier LLMs -- Claude Sonnet, Gemini, and GPT-4 -- when answering questions originating from Environmental Impact Statements prepared by U.S. federal government agencies in accordance with the National Environmental Environmental Act (NEPA). We specifically measure the ability of LLMs to understand the nuances of legal, technical, and compliance-related information present in NEPA documents in different contextual scenarios. For example, we test the LLMs' internal prior NEPA knowledge by providing questions without any context, as well as assess how LLMs synthesize the contextual information present in long NEPA documents to facilitate the question/answering task. We compare the performance of the long context LLMs and RAG powered models in handling different types of questions (e.g., problem-solving, divergent). Our results suggest that RAG powered models significantly outperform the long context models in the answer accuracy regardless of the choice of the frontier LLM. Our further analysis reveals that many models perform better answering closed questions than divergent and problem-solving questions.

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  • The paper evaluates state-of-the-art LLMs, including Claude Sonnet, Gemini, and GPT-4, on the comprehension of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

  • A new benchmark, NEPAQuAD1.0, was created for this purpose, involving semi-supervised methods with GPT-4 generating and NEPA experts validating 1,599 question-answer pairs based on EIS excerpts.

  • Findings emphasize the efficacy of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models over long context LLMs for accurate question answering, revealing the importance of retrieving relevant information rather than processing entire documents.

Examination of LLMs for Environmental Review Document Comprehension

The paper "RAG vs. Long Context: Examining Frontier LLMs for Environmental Review Document Comprehension" presents an evaluation of various state-of-the-art LLMs—Claude Sonnet, Gemini, and GPT-4—in a domain-specific task centered on Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The paper aims to investigate these models' capabilities in understanding and answering questions derived from lengthy NEPA documents, emphasizing the nuances of legal, technical, and compliance-related information.

Benchmark and Methodology

To facilitate the evaluation, the authors introduce the NEPAQuAD1.0 benchmark, designed specifically for assessing LLMs on NEPA documents. Building this benchmark involved a multi-step process: selecting pertinent excerpts from EIS documents, identifying relevant question types, using GPT-4 to generate question-answer pairs, and validating these pairs through NEPA experts.

Key Contributions

Creation of NEPAQuAD1.0:

  • The benchmark is generated using a semi-supervised method, leveraging GPT-4 to produce contextual questions and answers from selected EIS document excerpts. The final dataset comprises 1,599 question-answer pairs validated by NEPA experts.

Comparative Evaluation:

  • The study compares the performance of LLMs in different contextual settings: no context, full PDF documents, silver passages (using RAG), and gold passages.
  • The evaluation involves metrics that focus on both factual and semantic correctness, driven by the RAGAs score.

Performance Analysis

Contextual Influence

The results illustrate that Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models, which leverage relevant passages from the documents, significantly outperform long context LLMs that process entire documents. The RAG setup enhances answer accuracy, demonstrating the importance of retrieving pertinent information over processing extensive, potentially noisy document contexts.

  • No Context: Gemini leads in performance when no additional context is provided, indicating a strong baseline prior knowledge.
  • Full PDF: Surprisingly, providing full PDF context did not yield the expected performance improvements for Gemini, whereas GPT-4 performed better with this setup.
  • RAG Context: Here, Claude excels, suggesting that passage retrieval effectively supports accurate answer generation across models.
  • Gold Passage: When provided with highly relevant passages (gold data), models, including Claude and GPT-4, show optimal performance.

Question Type Specifics

The analysis reveals that the models struggle with more complex and divergent questions:

  • Closed Questions: These are answered most accurately, particularly when using RAG or gold passages.
  • Problem-solving and Divergent Questions: Performance is notably lower, especially without context-specific support.

Positional Knowledge

Position of the context within documents also plays a role. Models perform better on earlier document sections, although problem-solving questions exhibit better results sourced from latter document parts. This suggests potential limitations in current LLM architectures in maintaining attention over long sequences.

Implications and Future Directions

This research reveals several implications:

  1. Retrieval over Long Context: The observed advantage of RAG highlights the potential for hybrid models combining retrieval techniques with generative LLMs to handle domain-specific, lengthy documents efficiently.
  2. Context Sensitivity: Understanding the context type and content relevance is critical for model performance, as demonstrated by varied results across different context scenarios and question types.
  3. Need for Enhanced Reasoning: Addressing the models' difficulties with complex questions necessitates further work. Future research might explore advanced reranking techniques or adaptive retrieval mechanisms that cater to different question complexities and types.


The paper underscores the challenges and opportunities presented by domain-specific LLM applications. Key findings advocate for the adoption of RAG methodologies, emphasizing their superiority in generating accurate responses in niche areas like environmental review documents. Despite the current LLMs' limitations, particularly in handling extensive and complex contexts, this research sets a significant precedent for future improvements in LLMs tailored to specialized domains. The introduction of NEPAQuAD1.0 serves as a valuable resource for rigorously evaluating these models, laying a foundation for continued advancements in the field.

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