Emergent Mind

Can Learned Optimization Make Reinforcement Learning Less Difficult?

Published Jul 9, 2024 in cs.LG and cs.AI


While reinforcement learning (RL) holds great potential for decision making in the real world, it suffers from a number of unique difficulties which often need specific consideration. In particular: it is highly non-stationary; suffers from high degrees of plasticity loss; and requires exploration to prevent premature convergence to local optima and maximize return. In this paper, we consider whether learned optimization can help overcome these problems. Our method, Learned Optimization for Plasticity, Exploration and Non-stationarity (OPEN), meta-learns an update rule whose input features and output structure are informed by previously proposed solutions to these difficulties. We show that our parameterization is flexible enough to enable meta-learning in diverse learning contexts, including the ability to use stochasticity for exploration. Our experiments demonstrate that when meta-trained on single and small sets of environments, OPEN outperforms or equals traditionally used optimizers. Furthermore, OPEN shows strong generalization across a distribution of environments and a range of agent architectures.

IQM of Open's normalized return vs. Adam across training lengths, with confidence intervals on training and OOS data.


  • The paper introduces 'Open', a novel method for optimizing reinforcement learning using a gated recurrent unit (GRU) based network, aimed at addressing challenges such as non-stationarity, plasticity loss, and exploration.

  • Open outperforms both traditional handcrafted optimizers (e.g., Adam, RMSprop) and other learned optimizers (e.g., VeLO, Optim4RL) through superior performance across single-task and multi-task RL experiments.

  • The approach demonstrates a strong potential for broad applicability and reduced reliance on human intuition and hyperparameter tuning, indicating a promising direction for future RL research.

Overview of "Can Learned Optimization Make Reinforcement Learning Less Difficult?"

The paper "Can Learned Optimization Make Reinforcement Learning Less Difficult?" by Alexander D. Goldie, Chris Lu, Matthew T. Jackson, Shimon Whiteson, and Jakob N. Foerster, addresses the intrinsic challenges posed by Reinforcement Learning (RL) through a learned optimization framework. The authors propose a novel method called Learned Optimization for Plasticity, Exploration and Non-stationarity (Open) that meta-learns an update rule to mitigate the key RL difficulties like non-stationarity, plasticity loss, and exploration. This method is benchmarked against conventional handcrafted optimizers and other learned optimizers, demonstrating superior performance in multiple experimental setups.

Key Contributions

  1. Identification of RL Challenges: The paper identifies three core difficulties in RL:
  • Non-stationarity: Training distributions change continuously as the agent updates.
  • Plasticity Loss: Capacity to learn new objectives diminishes over time.
  • Exploration: Adequate exploration is required to avoid local optima.
  1. Method - Open: Open employs a gated recurrent unit (GRU) based network with fully connected layers and LayerNorm, ensuring stability and flexibility. The parameterization involves an update rule that uses stochasticity to enhance exploration:
  • Update Rule Splitting: Divides update into non-stochastic and stochastic components to manage the actor’s exploration needs distinctly.
  • Meta-learning Framework: OpenAI ES is used to meta-learn the optimizer.

Input Features:

  • Training and Batch Proportions: Capture non-stationarity over different timescales.
  • Dormancy: Track neuron’s inactivity to address plasticity loss.
  • Layer Proportion and Momentum: Facilitate nuanced updates across network layers.
  1. Results: The empirical results show that Open outperforms traditional optimizers (e.g., Adam, RMSprop) and state-of-the-art learned optimizers (e.g., VeLO, Optim4RL) across various RL tasks. The key findings include:
  • Single-task Performance: Open significantly beats benchmarks in MinAtar environments and maintains parity in Brax's Ant environment.
  • Multi-task Training: Open demonstrates robust performance across multiple MinAtar environments simultaneously.
  • Generalization: Open achieves strong in-distribution and out-of-support task generalization, indicating its broader applicability.
  • Ablation Study: The ablation reveals the critical contributions of each input feature, particularly noting the efficacy of incorporating learned stochasticity.

Implications and Future Directions

The results from Open underscore the potential of learned optimizers to substantially ease the RL optimization process. This meta-learning framework accomplishes a nuanced and dynamic adaptation, overcoming fixed strategies of traditional optimizers.

Theoretical Implications:

  • Dynamic Adaptation: The flexibility to evolve update strategies mid-training aligns well with RL’s non-stationarity.
  • Comprehensive Feature Conditioning: Inputs rooted in RL challenges indicate a direction towards more tailored meta-learning strategies.

Practical Implications:

  • Optimized Learning: Higher performance in complex and diverse environments suggests immediate applicability in real-world RL tasks.
  • Reduced Handcrafting: Automatic adaptation reduces reliance on human intuition and extensive hyperparameter tuning.

Future Directions:

  • Curricula Development: Enhancing multi-task training methods to overcome normalization biases, possibly through unsupervised environment design.
  • Expanding RL Algorithms: Evaluating Open across a broader set of RL algorithms, such as SAC or A2C, to validate its versatility.
  • Incorporating Additional Challenges: Extending the feature set to address other RL difficulties like sample efficiency could make learned optimizers more robust.


"Can Learned Optimization Make Reinforcement Learning Less Difficult?" systematically tackles the key pain points in RL through a refined meta-learning optimizer, Open. By effectively leveraging GRU-based architectures and condition-based inputs, Open not only surpasses traditional and contemporary optimizers but also paves the way for nuanced and adaptable RL optimization strategies. The insights and methodologies from this paper hold significant promise for advancing RL research and applications, indicating a future where RL optimization is more seamless and efficient.

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