Emergent Mind


In order to develop robots that can effectively serve as versatile and capable home assistants, it is crucial for them to reliably perceive and interact with a wide variety of objects across diverse environments. To this end, we proposed Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation as a key benchmark task for robotics: finding any object in a novel environment and placing it on any receptacle surface within that environment. We organized a NeurIPS 2023 competition featuring both simulation and real-world components to evaluate solutions to this task. Our baselines on the most challenging version of this task, using real perception in simulation, achieved only an 0.8% success rate; by the end of the competition, the best participants achieved an 10.8\% success rate, a 13x improvement. We observed that the most successful teams employed a variety of methods, yet two common threads emerged among the best solutions: enhancing error detection and recovery, and improving the integration of perception with decision-making processes. In this paper, we detail the results and methodologies used, both in simulation and real-world settings. We discuss the lessons learned and their implications for future research. Additionally, we compare performance in real and simulated environments, emphasizing the necessity for robust generalization to novel settings.

Simulated homes and movable objects for training and evaluating agents in both simulation and real-world environments.


  • The paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the NeurIPS 2023 HomeRobot Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation (OVMM) Challenge, which aimed to enhance the capabilities of robots in home environments by focusing on tasks like object location and placement in novel settings.

  • Key insights from the competition include significant improvements in error detection and recovery methods, and advancements in perception systems through the integration of Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as Detic and YOLOv8.

  • The competition's results demonstrated the potential for robots to function effectively as home assistants, highlighting both the progress made and the ongoing challenges in perception reliability and policy learning.

Towards Open-World Mobile Manipulation in Homes: Lessons from the Neurips 2023 HomeRobot Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation Challenge

The paper titled "Towards Open-World Mobile Manipulation in Homes: Lessons from the Neurips 2023 HomeRobot Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation Challenge" presents an insightful reflection on a challenge aimed at advancing robotics to operate effectively within home environments. This challenge, centered on Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation (OVMM), requires robots to locate any specified object in a novel environment and place it on any given receptacle within the same environment. The competition uniquely integrates both simulation and real-world components, thereby stressing the importance of generalization and robust perception in unfamiliar settings.

Methodological Insights

The competition revealed critical insights regarding the methodologies employed by various participating teams:

  • Enhancement of Error Detection and Recovery: One of the most noteworthy insights from successful teams was their approach to error detection and recovery. This was crucial given the relatively low success rates, even with the top-performing solutions. For instance, the winning team, UniTeam, achieved a significant improvement over the baseline by incorporating retries for failed tasks and dynamically adjusting the confidence thresholds for their detectors.
  • Perception and Integration: The challenge highlighted that current perception models are not entirely sufficient on their own. Top-performing teams like UniTeam and Rulai enhanced their perception modules using a combination of Vision-Language Models (VLMs), such as Detic and YOLOv8, and segmentation models like MobileSAM. By fusing information from multiple models, they were able to improve object detection and ultimately task success rates.

Numerical Results

  • Baseline Performance: The baseline models achieved a success rate of 0.8% in the simulation environment using real perception systems. By the end of the competition, significant improvements were seen, with the top-performing team, UniTeam, reaching a 10.8% success rate—a 13-fold increase.
  • Real-World Evaluation: During real-world testing, UniTeam also showcased strong performance with a 33.3% success rate, demonstrating a clear correlation between simulation performance and real-world applicability. This emphasizes the robustness and effectiveness of their approach.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research extend across several domains within robotics:

  • Practical Applications: The findings underscore the potential for robots to function as more capable assistants in home environments, navigating and manipulating a variety of objects despite diverse and cluttered settings. This lays foundational work for integrating robots in elderly care, medical assistance, and domestic chores.
  • Advancements in Perception Systems: The necessity for robust perception systems that can adapt to previously unseen objects and environments has been highlighted. Future developments could focus on enhancing model accuracy and consistency, leveraging deeper integration of VLMs and more sophisticated error recovery mechanisms.
  • Sim-to-Real Transfer: The competition's structure, which involves both simulation and real-world components, provides a validated framework for sim-to-real transfer. Advances in this domain could drive more robust and scalable robotic systems that generalize effectively beyond their training environments.

Technical Challenges and Limitations

The competition also drew attention to technical challenges that remain unresolved:

  • Fine-Tuning RL Policies: Teams like KuzHum faced difficulties in reward engineering for RL policies, pointing to the need for more robust and generalizable RL frameworks in complex task settings.
  • Perception Reliability: Despite significant advances, the perception modules still struggled with detecting various objects accurately in dynamic and visually challenging environments. Improvements in this area might involve deeper learning architectures or more extensive training datasets.

Reflection on Evaluation Techniques

The use of containerized testing for both simulation and real-world evaluations was a notable success, enabling consistent and reproducible results across different setups. This methodology could be beneficial for future robotics challenges, providing a scalable and efficient evaluation framework.


The NeurIPS 2023 HomeRobot OVMM challenge has provided significant contributions towards the development of mobile manipulation in home environments. The integration of simulation and real-world tasks pushed the boundaries of current robotics capabilities and laid important groundwork for future research. Continued focus on improving perception and policy learning, coupled with robust error handling, is essential to bridge the remaining gaps in developing versatile home-assistant robots. The lessons learned from this competition pave the way for more integrated and scalable solutions in embodied AI applications, pushing the field closer to realizing fully autonomous home robots.


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