Emergent Mind


Is it always necessary to compute tokens from shallow to deep layers in Transformers? The continued success of vanilla Transformers and their variants suggests an undoubted "yes". In this work, however, we attempt to break the depth-ordered convention by proposing a novel architecture dubbed mixture-of-modules (MoM), which is motivated by an intuition that any layer, regardless of its position, can be used to compute a token as long as it possesses the needed processing capabilities. The construction of MoM starts from a finite set of modules defined by multi-head attention and feed-forward networks, each distinguished by its unique parameterization. Two routers then iteratively select attention modules and feed-forward modules from the set to process a token. The selection dynamically expands the computation graph in the forward pass of the token, culminating in an assembly of modules. We show that MoM provides not only a unified framework for Transformers and their numerous variants but also a flexible and learnable approach for reducing redundancy in Transformer parameterization. We pre-train various MoMs using OpenWebText. Empirical results demonstrate that MoMs, of different parameter counts, consistently outperform vanilla transformers on both GLUE and XSUM benchmarks. More interestingly, with a fixed parameter budget, MoM-large enables an over 38% increase in depth for computation graphs compared to GPT-2-large, resulting in absolute gains of 1.4 on GLUE and 1 on XSUM. On the other hand, MoM-large also enables an over 60% reduction in depth while involving more modules per layer, yielding a 16% reduction in TFLOPs and a 43% decrease in memory usage compared to GPT-2-large, while maintaining comparable performance.

Mixture-of-Modules creating dynamic assemblies during forward computation, showing progress in the third round.


  • The paper introduces the Mixture-of-Modules (MoM) architecture, which dynamically forms computation graphs to enhance the efficiency and performance of Transformer models.

  • MoM integrates various existing Transformer techniques under a unified framework and dynamically selects modules for token processing to reduce redundancy and improve parameter utilization.

  • Empirical evaluations show that MoM consistently outperforms traditional Transformers and Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models across diverse NLP benchmarks while achieving significant reductions in computational requirements.

Mixture-of-Modules: Reinventing Transformers as Dynamic Assemblies of Modules

The paper “Mixture-of-Modules: Reinventing Transformers as Dynamic Assemblies of Modules” introduces a significant restructuring of the conventional Transformer architecture. The authors challenge the static and depth-ordered organization prevalent in current Transformer designs, proposing a novel, dynamic architecture named Mixture-of-Modules (MoM).

Key Contributions

  1. Dynamic Assembly: MoM theorizes that token computation does not necessarily need to follow a depth-ordered structure. Instead, tokens can be computed using modules from any layer, selected based on their capability to process the tokens. This method dynamically forms computation graphs, aiming to enhance parameter utilization and reduce redundancy.
  2. Unified Framework: MoM encapsulates a variety of existing Transformer techniques within a single framework. It integrates approaches like Mixture-of-Experts (MoE), early-exiting, and Mixture-of-Depths (MoD) as special cases.
  3. Efficiency and Performance: By dynamically selecting and assembling modules, MoM aims to enhance both performance and computational efficiency. The paper provides empirical evidence that MoM outperforms traditional Transformers on benchmarks like GLUE and XSUM.


Module Selection and Assembly

The authors propose defining an MoM model using a finite set of multi-head attention (MHA) and feed-forward network (FFN) modules, along with a special "SKIP" module. For each token, two routers dynamically select the most appropriate modules to process the token. This iterative selection and assembly process constructs the token’s computation graph layer-by-layer in a dynamic fashion.

Training Strategy

A two-phase training approach is adopted to overcome potential challenges in module specialization:

  • Phase One: Pre-train a vanilla Transformer on a large-scale corpus.
  • Phase Two: Decompose the pre-trained Transformer into modules, randomly initialize the routers, and then continue training under the dynamic assembly mechanism. This method aims to ensure module specialization and expedite convergence.

Empirical Evaluation

The authors conduct extensive empirical validation using three model sizes: small (122M parameters), medium (346M parameters), and large (774M parameters), pre-trained on OpenWebText and evaluated on diverse NLP benchmarks.

Main Findings


  • Across different configurations and model sizes, MoM consistently outperforms standard Transformers and MoE models in terms of downstream task performance on GLUE and XSUM.
  • Notably, MoM with a fixed parameter budget demonstrates significant depth extension capacity (over 38% increase compared to GPT-2-large), resulting in substantial performance gains.


  • MoM models achieve substantial reductions in TFLOPs and memory usage while maintaining competitive performance. For instance, MoM-large achieved a 16% reduction in TFLOPs and a 43% decrease in memory usage compared to GPT-2-large.

Detailed Insights and Future Directions

Over-Parameterization Analysis

The authors provide a detailed analysis indicating that Transformer parameterization (particularly in attention layers) is significantly redundant. This redundancy can be effectively mitigated using dynamic assembly methods, as demonstrated by the empirical results showing substantial performance gains with reduced FLOPs and memory usage.

Speculation on Future Developments

The flexibility and learnability introduced by MoM present numerous potential avenues for future research:

  • Enhanced Routers: Future work might explore improved router designs, potentially utilizing reinforcement learning or advanced neural architecture search techniques to optimize module selection.
  • Broader Applications: While this work focuses on NLP, the dynamic assembly approach could be extended to other domains such as computer vision and biomedicine, where Transformer models are increasingly being adopted.


"Mixture-of-Modules: Reinventing Transformers as Dynamic Assemblies of Modules" offers compelling evidence that traditional depth-ordered Transformers are inherently limited by over-parameterization and static structure. By proposing a flexible and dynamic approach to token computation using MoM, the authors unlock new potential for efficiency and performance optimization in Transformer models. This paradigm shift promises significant advancements in the field of AI and invites further exploration and refinement.

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