Emergent Mind


In this paper, we propose a self-prior guided Mamba-UNet network (SMamba-UNet) for medical image super-resolution. Existing methods are primarily based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or Transformers. CNNs-based methods fail to capture long-range dependencies, while Transformer-based approaches face heavy calculation challenges due to their quadratic computational complexity. Recently, State Space Models (SSMs) especially Mamba have emerged, capable of modeling long-range dependencies with linear computational complexity. Inspired by Mamba, our approach aims to learn the self-prior multi-scale contextual features under Mamba-UNet networks, which may help to super-resolve low-resolution medical images in an efficient way. Specifically, we obtain self-priors by perturbing the brightness inpainting of the input image during network training, which can learn detailed texture and brightness information that is beneficial for super-resolution. Furthermore, we combine Mamba with Unet network to mine global features at different levels. We also design an improved 2D-Selective-Scan (ISS2D) module to divide image features into different directional sequences to learn long-range dependencies in multiple directions, and adaptively fuse sequence information to enhance super-resolved feature representation. Both qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on two public medical datasets: the IXI and fastMRI.

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