Emergent Mind


Learning-based methods have proven successful in compressing geometric information for point clouds. For attribute compression, however, they still lag behind non-learning-based methods such as the MPEG G-PCC standard. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel deep learning-based point cloud attribute compression method that uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) with sparse convolution layers. Our method also includes a module that adaptively selects the resolution of the voxels used to voxelize the input point cloud. Sparse vectors are used to represent the voxelized point cloud, and sparse convolutions process the sparse tensors, ensuring computational efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of GANs to compress point cloud attributes. Our experimental results show that our method outperforms existing learning-based techniques and rivals the latest G-PCC test model (TMC13v23) in terms of visual quality.

PCAC-GAN architecture with AVRPM and GAN, featuring concatenated voxelized point clouds and sparse convolutions.


  • The paper introduces PCAC-GAN, a Generative Adversarial Network utilizing sparse convolution layers for compressing attributes in 3D point cloud data, aiming to bridge the performance gap between learning-based methods and traditional methods like the MPEG G-PCC standard.

  • PCAC-GAN includes key components such as the Adaptive Voxel Resolution Partitioning Module (AVRPM) for preserving detail in voxelization and sparse convolutional layers in both the encoding and decoding processes to enhance computational efficiency.

  • Experimental results show that PCAC-GAN outperforms existing methods like SparsePCAC and TMC13v6 in certain metrics and provides superior visual quality, especially in retaining high-frequency details, making it beneficial for applications requiring high visual fidelity.

PCAC-GAN: A Sparse-Tensor-Based Generative Adversarial Network for 3D Point Cloud Attribute Compression

The paper "PCAC-GAN: A Sparse-Tensor-Based Generative Adversarial Network for 3D Point Cloud Attribute Compression" by Xiaolong Mao, Hui Yuan, Xin Lu, Raouf Hamzaoui, and Wei Gao presents an innovative approach for compressing attributes in 3D point cloud data using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Previous methods in point cloud attribute compression, particularly non-learning-based methods like the MPEG G-PCC standard, have outperformed learning-based approaches in various scenarios. This paper aims to bridge that performance gap by leveraging the strengths of GANs combined with sparse convolution layers, presenting significant improvements in the efficiency and quality of point cloud attribute compression.


Point clouds, composed of 3D spatial coordinates along with additional attributes, are crucial in fields such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), autonomous driving, and urban planning. The necessity of effectively compressing this data is paramount for reducing storage requirements and improving processing and transmission speeds. This paper specifically addresses the challenge of point cloud attribute compression, focusing on attributes in the YUV color space.

Previous methods for attribute compression of point clouds include transform-based, distance-based, and projection-based techniques. However, learning-based methods, particularly those involving Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), have grown increasingly popular due to their success in related fields like image and video compression. Despite advancements, existing learning-based methods have not surpassed the efficacy of the traditional G-PCC standard in attribute compression tasks.

Proposed Method

The authors introduce a novel approach termed PCAC-GAN, which integrates GANs using sparse convolution layers for point cloud attribute compression. The significant components of this method include:

  1. Adaptive Voxel Resolution Partitioning Module (AVRPM): This module adaptively selects voxel resolutions for the point cloud based on its density, ensuring that the voxelization process preserves important details. By representing the voxelized point cloud as sparse vectors, computational efficiency is achieved.
  2. Sparse Convolutional Layers: These layers are employed both in the encoder and the decoder. By exploiting the sparsity of the voxelized point clouds, the method reduces the complexity and computational costs traditionally associated with GANs.
  3. Generative Adversarial Network (GAN): The GAN framework distinguishes itself from traditional techniques by generating data that closely resembles the original content, rather than merely reconstructing it. This helps in effectively managing the loss and distortion introduced during the compression process.

The encoder in PCAC-GAN uses sparse convolution layers and ReLU activation layers to produce compressed features, which are then processed by a quantizer. On the decoding side, a GAN consisting of a generator and discriminator network is employed. The generator focuses on reconstructing the compressed point cloud data, while the discriminator differentiates between the generated data and the original data, optimizing the generator's performance through adversarial training.

Experimental Results

The implementation, using the PyTorch library and Minkowski Engine, was validated through extensive experiments involving standard datasets like ShapeNet, COCO, and ModelNet40. The authors also utilized the 8i Voxelized Full Bodies and the Andrew dataset for testing.

The evaluation metrics primarily included the Bjøntegaard delta (BD)-PSNR and BD-bitrate (BR) to measure the average rate-distortion performance. The results demonstrated that PCAC-GAN outperformed SparsePCAC and TMC13v6, with a notable reduction in BD-BR by 19% and an increase in BD-PSNR by 1.42 dB in the Y channel. Although the method still lagged behind TMC13v23 in objective metrics, it provided superior visual quality, especially in preserving high-frequency details, thus making it particularly advantageous for applications where visual fidelity is critical.


The PCAC-GAN framework represents a significant step forward in the field of point cloud attribute compression, particularly through its novel application of GANs combined with sparse convolutions. The adaptive voxel resolution partitioning module further enhances its efficacy in handling varying densities in point cloud data.

Despite the advantageous performance, the paper also acknowledges the inherent complexity differences between generative methods and conventional coding techniques like TMC13v23, making direct comparisons challenging. Future directions could include refining filtering techniques and enhancing cross-scale correlations to further close the gap with state-of-the-art conventional methods.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research are broad, affecting both practical applications and theoretical foundations in AI and data compression. The introduction of GANs for point cloud attribute compression could spur further research into generative approaches for various data compression tasks, potentially leading to more efficient and high-quality solutions. Future research may build on the foundational work by exploring more advanced architectures and optimizing trade-offs between computational efficiency and compression quality.

Overall, PCAC-GAN opens new avenues for improving the compression efficiency of point clouds, which is pivotal for the practical deployment of 3D data in real-world applications. The future developments based on this work hold promise for even more robust and efficient compression methods, ensuring the seamless integration of complex 3D data into emerging technologies.

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