Emergent Mind

Safe Generative Chats in a WhatsApp Intelligent Tutoring System

Published Jul 6, 2024 in cs.HC


LLMs are flexible, personalizable, and available, which makes their use within Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) appealing. However, that flexibility creates risks: inaccuracies, harmful content, and non-curricular material. Ethically deploying LLM-backed ITS systems requires designing safeguards that ensure positive experiences for students. We describe the design of a conversational system integrated into an ITS, and our experience evaluating its safety with red-teaming, an in-classroom usability test, and field deployment. We present empirical data from more than 8,000 student conversations with this system, finding that GPT-3.5 rarely generates inappropriate messages. Comparatively more common is inappropriate messages from students, which prompts us to reason about safeguarding as a content moderation and classroom management problem. The student interaction behaviors we observe provide implications for designers - to focus on student inputs as a content moderation problem - and implications for researchers - to focus on subtle forms of bad content.

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