Emergent Mind

On scalable oversight with weak LLMs judging strong LLMs

Published Jul 5, 2024 in cs.LG


Scalable oversight protocols aim to enable humans to accurately supervise superhuman AI. In this paper we study debate, where two AI's compete to convince a judge; consultancy, where a single AI tries to convince a judge that asks questions; and compare to a baseline of direct question-answering, where the judge just answers outright without the AI. We use LLMs as both AI agents and as stand-ins for human judges, taking the judge models to be weaker than agent models. We benchmark on a diverse range of asymmetries between judges and agents, extending previous work on a single extractive QA task with information asymmetry, to also include mathematics, coding, logic and multimodal reasoning asymmetries. We find that debate outperforms consultancy across all tasks when the consultant is randomly assigned to argue for the correct/incorrect answer. Comparing debate to direct question answering, the results depend on the type of task: in extractive QA tasks with information asymmetry debate outperforms direct question answering, but in other tasks without information asymmetry the results are mixed. Previous work assigned debaters/consultants an answer to argue for. When we allow them to instead choose which answer to argue for, we find judges are less frequently convinced by the wrong answer in debate than in consultancy. Further, we find that stronger debater models increase judge accuracy, though more modestly than in previous studies.

Protagonist and consultant accuracy by judge model and protocol, highlighting correct (dark) vs incorrect (light) choices.


  • The paper investigates the use of weak LLMs as evaluators in scalable oversight protocols, focusing on debate, consultancy, and direct question-answering (QA).

  • The study finds that debate generally outperforms consultancy and direct QA in tasks with information asymmetry, especially in maintaining robustness where truth discernment is crucial.

  • The research underscores the potential of debate for AI alignment and proposes future directions like training models specifically on debate tasks and integrating human judgment.

On Scalable Oversight with Weak LLMs Judging Strong LLMs

The paper "On scalable oversight with weak LLMs judging strong LLMs" explore the methodologies and outcomes of employing weak LLMs as evaluators in various scalable oversight protocols, particularly debate and consultancy, to supervise and provide oversight for more capable LLMs. The research is conducted by Zachary Kenton and colleagues and originates from Google DeepMind.

Focus and Structure of the Study

The study explores three primary scalable oversight protocols:

  1. Debate: Two AI models (debater LLMs) argue over a question to convince a judge LLM.
  2. Consultancy: A single AI model (consultant LLM) argues for one of two answers to persuade a judge LLM.
  3. Direct Question-Answering (QA): The judge LLM directly answers without AI assistance.

The authors further divide these protocols into assigned roles, where LLMs are given answers to defend, and open roles, where they choose answers based on their own judgment. The research benchmarks the protocols on a diverse set of asymmetric tasks spanning mathematics, coding, logic, extractive QA, and multimodal reasoning.

Key Findings

Performance Across Protocols:

  • Debate versus Consultancy: Debate consistently outperforms consultancy across all tasks. This is a notable extension of prior findings limited to single extractive QA tasks.
  • Debate versus Direct QA: In extractive QA tasks with information asymmetry, debate surpasses direct QA. However, for other tasks without information asymmetry, the results are mixed.

Role Assignment:

  • When LLMs get to choose their stance, judges are less frequently persuaded by incorrect arguments in debates than in consultancies. This indicates debates are more robust in scenarios where truth discernment is crucial.
  • Stronger debater models lead to moderate improvements in judge accuracy, which aligns with the goal of scalable oversight where increasing AI capabilities are beneficial.

Impact of Judge Capabilities:

  • The judge models tested span from Gemma7B to GPT-3.5 and Gemini Pro versions. The results suggest that the efficacy of oversight protocols is sensitive to judge capabilities, with stronger judges significantly enhancing accuracy in debates.

Implications for Future AI Developments

Practical Applications:

  • AI Alignment: The research underscores the potential of debate protocols for AI alignment, especially as AI systems surpass human capabilities. Debate offers a structure where weaker judges can still ensure the integrity of stronger AI outputs.
  • Training and Supervision: The findings suggest that even as models grow in complexity and ability, scalable oversight protocols like debate can furnish effective training signals to ensure reliability and safety.

Theoretical Implications:

  • Complexity in Debate: The empirical results validate theoretical expectations from interactive proof systems in computational complexity, affirming that debate can enable accurate judgment by limited-capability judges on complex tasks.

Future Directions:

  • Training with Debate: Future research should train models explicitly on debate tasks to test if the positive effects observed in inference-only settings extend to training environments.
  • Human Judgement Integration: Comparing LLMs and human judgments could provide deeper insights into the efficacy of scalable oversight protocols in real-world applications.
  • Exploring Other Protocols: Extending research to additional oversight methods like iterative amplification and market making can offer broader perspectives on aligning superhuman AI with human values.

In conclusion, this research provides a comprehensive analysis of scalable oversight by implementing weak LLM judges to supervise stronger LLM agents via debate and consultancy. The findings affirm the potential of debate as a robust scalable oversight protocol, laying the groundwork for more advanced AI alignment methodologies.

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