Emergent Mind


Multi-resolution methods such as Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) can enhance storage efficiency for HPC applications generating vast volumes of data. However, their applicability is limited and cannot be universally deployed across all applications. Furthermore, integrating lossy compression with multi-resolution techniques to further boost storage efficiency encounters significant barriers. To this end, we introduce an innovative workflow that facilitates high-quality multi-resolution data compression for both uniform and AMR simulations. Initially, to extend the usability of multi-resolution techniques, our workflow employs a compression-oriented Region of Interest (ROI) extraction method, transforming uniform data into a multi-resolution format. Subsequently, to bridge the gap between multi-resolution techniques and lossy compressors, we optimize three distinct compressors, ensuring their optimal performance on multi-resolution data. Lastly, we incorporate an advanced uncertainty visualization method into our workflow to understand the potential impacts of lossy compression. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that our workflow achieves significant compression quality improvements.

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