Emergent Mind

From Data to Commonsense Reasoning: The Use of Large Language Models for Explainable AI

Published Jul 4, 2024 in cs.AI , cs.CL , and cs.HC


Commonsense reasoning is a difficult task for a computer, but a critical skill for an AI. It can enhance the explainability of AI models by enabling them to provide intuitive and human-like explanations for their decisions. This is necessary in many areas especially in question answering (QA), which is one of the most important tasks of NLP. Over time, a multitude of methods have emerged for solving commonsense reasoning problems such as knowledge-based approaches using formal logic or linguistic analysis. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of LLMs on different QA tasks with a focus on their abilities in reasoning and explainability. We study three LLMs: GPT-3.5, Gemma and Llama 3. We further evaluate the LLM results by means of a questionnaire. We demonstrate the ability of LLMs to reason with commonsense as the models outperform humans on different datasets. While GPT-3.5's accuracy ranges from 56% to 93% on various QA benchmarks, Llama 3 achieved a mean accuracy of 90% on all eleven datasets. Thereby Llama 3 is outperforming humans on all datasets with an average 21% higher accuracy over ten datasets. Furthermore, we can appraise that, in the sense of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), GPT-3.5 provides good explanations for its decisions. Our questionnaire revealed that 66% of participants rated GPT-3.5's explanations as either "good" or "excellent". Taken together, these findings enrich our understanding of current LLMs and pave the way for future investigations of reasoning and explainability.

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