Emergent Mind

Ultra-Lightweight Collaborative Mapping for Robot Swarms

Published Jul 3, 2024 in cs.RO


A key requirement in robotics is the ability to simultaneously self-localize and map a previously unknown environment, relying primarily on onboard sensing and computation. Achieving fully onboard accurate simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is feasible for high-end robotic platforms, whereas small and inexpensive robots face challenges due to constrained hardware, therefore frequently resorting to external infrastructure for sensing and computation. The challenge is further exacerbated in swarms of robots, where coordination, scalability, and latency are crucial concerns. This work introduces a decentralized and lightweight collaborative SLAM approach that enables mapping on virtually any robot, even those equipped with low-cost hardware, including miniaturized insect-size devices. Moreover, the proposed solution supports large swarm formations with the capability to coordinate hundreds of agents. To substantiate our claims, we have successfully implemented collaborative SLAM on centimeter-size drones weighing only 46 grams. Remarkably, we achieve results comparable to high-end state-of-the-art solutions while reducing the cost, memory, and computation requirements by two orders of magnitude. Our approach is innovative in three main aspects. First, it enables onboard infrastructure-less collaborative mapping with a lightweight and cost-effective solution in terms of sensing and computation. Second, we optimize the data traffic within the swarm to support hundreds of cooperative agents using standard wireless protocols such as ultra-wideband (UWB), Bluetooth, or WiFi. Last, we implement a distributed swarm coordination policy to decrease mapping latency and enhance accuracy.


  • The paper presents a decentralized, ultra-lightweight collaborative SLAM (C-SLAM) framework for low-cost, miniaturized drones, enabling them to perform effective mapping tasks with highly constrained hardware.

  • Optimized data traffic within the swarm using common wireless protocols and a distributed swarm coordination policy minimize mapping latency and enhance accuracy through multi-robot loop closure.

  • Experimental results demonstrate the system's robust performance in both controlled and real-world environments, achieving results comparable to state-of-the-art solutions despite challenges like limited communication.

Ultra-Lightweight Collaborative Mapping for Robot Swarms

The paper "Ultra-Lightweight Collaborative Mapping for Robot Swarms" by V. Niculescu, T. Polonelli, M. Magno, and L. Benini, addresses a critical challenge in robotics: achieving simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) with robot swarms equipped with highly constrained hardware. The authors propose a decentralized, lightweight collaborative SLAM (C-SLAM) framework that successfully runs on low-cost, miniaturized drones, providing results comparable to high-end solutions but at a significantly reduced cost and computational demand.

Key Contributions

The paper introduces three primary contributions:

  1. Onboard Infrastructure-less Collaborative Mapping: The proposed C-SLAM system enables real-time, decentralized SLAM using ultra-low-cost sensors and low-power microcontrollers. This approach allows even miniaturized insect-size robots to perform effective mapping tasks.
  2. Optimized Data Traffic within Swarms: The solution optimizes intra-swarm data communication using standard wireless protocols like UWB, Bluetooth, or WiFi, facilitating the coordination of hundreds of agents.
  3. Distributed Swarm Coordination Policy: The system implements a distributed policy to minimize mapping latency and enhance accuracy through multi-robot loop closure, using the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm.

Experimental Validation and Results

The efficacy of the C-SLAM system is demonstrated through extensive field experiments with centimeter-size drones weighing only 46 grams. These drones, equipped with 64-pixel time-of-flight (ToF) depth sensors, successfully mapped real-world environments in various configurations, showing robust performance against state-of-the-art (SoA) solutions.

Controlled Environment Experiments

In controlled maze experiments, the coverage time, absolute trajectory error (ATE), and mapping errors were analyzed under different configurations:

  • The introduction of a second drone reduced coverage time by nearly half.
  • ATE ranged between 12.5 cm to 24 cm, with variations depending on maze geometry and drone encounters.
  • Mapping errors spanned from 6.4 cm to 12 cm, demonstrating the system's precision despite the use of low-cost hardware.

Real-World Office Environment

Mapping an 18 m × 10 m office environment further validated the system. Despite challenges such as limited UWB communication caused by concrete walls:

  • Drones achieved complete area coverage in about 60 seconds.
  • The mapping error was approximately 29.7 cm, aligning well with SoA results for more computationally intense systems.

Implications and Future Developments

The practical implications of this research are profound, enabling the deployment of large-scale robot swarms in diverse environments without dependency on external infrastructure. The ability to employ such swarms for applications like space exploration, first-aid scenarios, and automated warehouses highlights the potential utility in various high-impact sectors.

Speculations on Future Developments

Looking forward, future developments could include:

  1. Enhanced Robustness and Efficiency: Further optimization of communication protocols and exploration algorithms to enhance robustness and efficiency.
  2. 3D Mapping Capabilities: Extending the current 2D mapping to fully 3D mapping to increase the scope of applications.
  3. Integration with Advanced Sensors: Incorporating more advanced but still low-cost sensors to balance the tradeoff between cost and accuracy.
  4. Improved Odometry Techniques: Developing better odometry techniques tailored for ultra-constrained robotic platforms to reduce trajectory errors further.

In summary, this paper presents a significant step forward in the field of decentralized robotics, offering a practical and scalable solution for lightweight, collaborative mapping in swarms. The proposed system's notable reduction in hardware requirements and computational load opens new avenues for cost-effective and versatile robotic applications.

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