Emergent Mind

Conformal Prediction for Causal Effects of Continuous Treatments

Published Jul 3, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and stat.ME


Uncertainty quantification of causal effects is crucial for safety-critical applications such as personalized medicine. A powerful approach for this is conformal prediction, which has several practical benefits due to model-agnostic finite-sample guarantees. Yet, existing methods for conformal prediction of causal effects are limited to binary/discrete treatments and make highly restrictive assumptions such as known propensity scores. In this work, we provide a novel conformal prediction method for potential outcomes of continuous treatments. We account for the additional uncertainty introduced through propensity estimation so that our conformal prediction intervals are valid even if the propensity score is unknown. Our contributions are three-fold: (1) We derive finite-sample prediction intervals for potential outcomes of continuous treatments. (2) We provide an algorithm for calculating the derived intervals. (3) We demonstrate the effectiveness of the conformal prediction intervals in experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose conformal prediction for continuous treatments when the propensity score is unknown and must be estimated from data.

Prediction intervals for various alpha levels for synthetic dataset 2 with intervention Delta = 1


  • The paper introduces a conformal prediction (CP) method to estimate causal effects of continuous treatments with finite-sample guarantees, addressing challenges like propensity score estimation and distribution shifts.

  • They present an algorithm to efficiently compute CP intervals and demonstrate its reliability through experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets, including the MIMIC-III medical database.

  • The research has major implications for theoretical and practical advancements in AI and causal inference, particularly in personalized medicine and safety-critical applications, and suggests future directions to improve the method further.

Conformal Prediction for Causal Effects of Continuous Treatments: A Summary

The paper, "Conformal Prediction for Causal Effects of Continuous Treatments" by Maresa Schröder et al., addresses the critical need for uncertainty quantification (UQ) in estimating causal effects from continuous treatments, particularly in safety-critical applications like personalized medicine. The work introduces a novel conformal prediction (CP) method extending finite-sample guarantees to continuous treatments, overcoming significant challenges posed by propensity score estimation and distribution shifts.

Contributions and Methodology

This research presents three primary contributions:

  1. Finite-sample Prediction Intervals: The authors derive mathematically rigorous prediction intervals for potential outcomes of continuous treatments. This novel approach incorporates the additional uncertainty introduced through propensity score estimation, ensuring the conformal prediction intervals are valid even when the propensity score is unknown.
  2. Efficient Algorithm: An algorithm is developed to efficiently calculate these intervals. The algorithm builds on split conformal prediction but adapts to account for the distribution shifts due to interventions on continuous treatments.
  3. Empirical Validation: The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed CP intervals through experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The empirical results underscore the CP method's reliability and robustness, even in scenarios with unknown propensity scores.

Theoretical Framework

The paper begins by formalizing the problem setup. It defines the data structure comprising observed confounders (X), continuous treatments (A), and outcomes (Y). The goal is to construct conformal prediction intervals (C(X{n+1}, \Diamond)) for a new test sample (X{n+1}) under specific interventions (\Diamond). The methodology accounts for the distribution shift and additional uncertainty arising from propensity score estimation.

Main Results

  1. Known Propensity Scores: The authors first address the scenario where propensity scores are known. They derive a convex optimization problem to find the ((1-\alpha))-quantile of the non-conformity scores under a propensity shift. The CP intervals are constructed to ensure coverage guarantees independent of the propensity score model used.
  2. Unknown Propensity Scores: When the propensity scores are unknown, the problem becomes non-convex due to the need to estimate propensity scores. The authors introduce a Lemma leveraging Type-I invexity and linear independence constraint qualification (LICQ) to derive the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. This facilitates the construction of valid CP intervals under unknown propensities by optimizing over possible distribution shifts modeled through Gaussian approximations of the Dirac delta function.

Empirical Evaluation

The empirical validation utilizes both synthetic datasets and a real-world medical dataset from the MIMIC-III database.

  • Synthetic Data: Using synthetic data allows for a controlled exploration of the model's performance. The CP intervals are shown to provide valid coverage across different significance levels (\alpha) for various interventions. Comparison with the Monte Carlo (MC) dropout method highlights the CP method's superior reliability and reduced variability in empirical coverage.
  • Real-world Data: Applying the method to the MIMIC-III dataset demonstrates its practical utility in medical settings. The results reveal that CP intervals adjust for higher uncertainty in treatment regions with sparse data, underscoring the method's robustness in real-world applications.

Implications and Future Work

The research has significant implications for theoretical and practical advancements in AI and causal inference. From a theoretical perspective, the ability to construct valid prediction intervals for continuous treatments broadens the applicability of conformal prediction methods in causal ML. Practically, this method facilitates reliable decision-making in personalized medicine and other safety-critical applications, where understanding treatment efficacy is paramount.

Future developments could explore improving the estimation accuracy of propensity scores and extending the methodology to more complex, high-dimensional datasets. Additionally, integrating domain-specific prior knowledge to refine the CP intervals could further enhance their precision.


Schröder et al. provide a significant advancement in the field of causal ML with their conformal prediction method for continuous treatments. By addressing the intricate challenges of propensity score estimation and distribution shifts, their work ensures reliable UQ, fostering safer and more effective application of causal ML in critical fields like personalized medicine.

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