Emergent Mind

Self-supervised Vision Transformer are Scalable Generative Models for Domain Generalization

Published Jul 3, 2024 in eess.IV , cs.CV , and cs.LG


Despite notable advancements, the integration of deep learning (DL) techniques into impactful clinical applications, particularly in the realm of digital histopathology, has been hindered by challenges associated with achieving robust generalization across diverse imaging domains and characteristics. Traditional mitigation strategies in this field such as data augmentation and stain color normalization have proven insufficient in addressing this limitation, necessitating the exploration of alternative methodologies. To this end, we propose a novel generative method for domain generalization in histopathology images. Our method employs a generative, self-supervised Vision Transformer to dynamically extract characteristics of image patches and seamlessly infuse them into the original images, thereby creating novel, synthetic images with diverse attributes. By enriching the dataset with such synthesized images, we aim to enhance its holistic nature, facilitating improved generalization of DL models to unseen domains. Extensive experiments conducted on two distinct histopathology datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, outperforming the state of the art substantially, on the Camelyon17-wilds challenge dataset (+2%) and on a second epithelium-stroma dataset (+26%). Furthermore, we emphasize our method's ability to readily scale with increasingly available unlabeled data samples and more complex, higher parametric architectures. Source code is available at https://github.com/sdoerrich97/vits-are-generative-models .

Self-supervised generative approach using ViT encoder to separate and intermingle anatomical and image-characteristic features.


  • The paper introduces a self-supervised Vision Transformer (ViT) method for improving domain generalization in digital histopathology by generating synthetic images through feature orthogonalization.

  • Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the method's superior performance in domain generalization tasks, significantly improving accuracy compared to state-of-the-art techniques.

  • The approach is highly scalable, leveraging both labeled and unlabeled data, and showcases potential applications in clinical settings and other medical imaging domains.

Self-supervised Vision Transformers as Scalable Generative Models for Domain Generalization

The paper by Doerrich et al. presents a sophisticated approach designed to enhance domain generalization in digital histopathology through the use of self-supervised Vision Transformers (ViTs). Despite recent progress in deep learning (DL) applications, achieving robust generalization across varied imaging domains remains a significant challenge, particularly in the field of digital histopathology. Existing solutions such as data augmentation and stain color normalization have proven insufficient, motivating the exploration of more effective methods.


The authors propose a novel self-supervised generative method that leverages a Vision Transformer to encode and synthesize histopathology images. The core of their approach involves feature orthogonalization and synthetic image generation. By partitioning images into patches, each patch is encoded into a feature vector that captures anatomical and characteristic features. The generative process entails remixing anatomical and characteristic vectors from different patches to produce novel synthetic images with diverse attributes.

Feature Orthogonalization and Image Synthesis

Feature orthogonalization involves splitting each feature vector into two halves: one preserving the anatomical properties and the other storing characteristic features. These vectors are then intermixed and processed by an image synthesizer to generate synthetic images with new, unseen combinations of anatomy and characteristics. This process increases the diversity of the training dataset, potentially improving the generalization capabilities of DL models.

Training Paradigms

The fully self-supervised nature of the method allows it to utilize both labeled and unlabeled data samples, making it highly scalable. Specifically, the authors employed a ViT-B/16 backbone and trained the encoder with three distinct loss terms, ensuring consistent anatomical and characteristic features while facilitating self-reconstruction. Parameters such as the number of anatomy-characteristic mixes and the dimensionality of embeddings were fine-tuned to optimize the training process.

Experimental Results

Extensive experiments were conducted on two histopathology benchmark datasets: Camelyon17-wilds and a combined epithelium-stroma dataset. The results showcase the proposed method's superior performance in domain generalization tasks. On the Camelyon17-wilds dataset, the method outperformed state-of-the-art techniques, achieving a substantial accuracy improvement on both validation and test sets (+2% and +0.84%, respectively). On the combined epithelium-stroma dataset, the approach also demonstrated significant performance gains, outstripping previous methods with an accuracy increase of up to +26%.

Qualitative Evaluation

The synthetic images generated by the model faithfully preserve the original anatomical structures while introducing diverse colorization schemes. This quality was assessed through both Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) metrics and visual inspections, confirming the method's ability to maintain the diagnostic relevance of the synthetic images.

Scalability Potential

The paper highlights two key aspects of scalability:

  1. Unlabeled Data Integration: The ViT encoder's ability to handle unlabeled samples facilitates dataset augmentation without extensive manual labeling.
  2. Advanced Architectures: By incorporating deeper ViT backbones, such as ViT-L/16, the method demonstrated enhanced performance in terms of both reconstruction accuracy and generalization capabilities.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this work are manifold. Practically, the proposed method can be directly applied to improve diagnostic performance in clinical settings by enhancing the robustness of histopathology image analysis. Theoretically, the use of self-supervised learning for generating diverse datasets points toward a promising direction for future research in domain generalization.

Future developments may explore the integration of even deeper and more complex transformer architectures, as well as the application of this methodology to other domains beyond histopathology. Additionally, expanding the framework to include more varied types of medical imaging could further validate its versatility and adaptability.


Doerrich et al.'s study proposes a method for addressing domain generalization challenges in histopathology through a self-supervised Vision Transformer. By generating synthetic images with diverse anatomical and characteristic combinations, the approach significantly enhances the generalization ability of DL models. Extensive experiments validate the method's efficacy, setting a new performance standard in domain generalization for the field of digital histopathology. The approach's scalability and flexibility make it a substantial contribution with far-reaching implications for both research and clinical applications.

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