Emergent Mind

CoIR: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Code Information Retrieval Models

Published Jul 3, 2024 in cs.IR and cs.CL


Despite the substantial success of Information Retrieval (IR) in various NLP tasks, most IR systems predominantly handle queries and corpora in natural language, neglecting the domain of code retrieval. Code retrieval is critically important yet remains under-explored, with existing methods and benchmarks inadequately representing the diversity of code in various domains and tasks. Addressing this gap, we present \textbf{\name} (\textbf{Co}de \textbf{I}nformation \textbf{R}etrieval Benchmark), a robust and comprehensive benchmark specifically designed to assess code retrieval capabilities. \name comprises \textbf{ten} meticulously curated code datasets, spanning \textbf{eight} distinctive retrieval tasks across \textbf{seven} diverse domains. We first discuss the construction of \name and its diverse dataset composition. Further, we evaluate nine widely used retrieval models using \name, uncovering significant difficulties in performing code retrieval tasks even with state-of-the-art systems. To facilitate easy adoption and integration within existing research workflows, \name has been developed as a user-friendly Python framework, readily installable via pip. It shares same data schema as other popular benchmarks like MTEB and BEIR, enabling seamless cross-benchmark evaluations. Through \name, we aim to invigorate research in the code retrieval domain, providing a versatile benchmarking tool that encourages further development and exploration of code retrieval systems\footnote{\url{ https://github.com/CoIR-team/coir}}.

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