Emergent Mind


The existing works on object-level language grounding with 3D objects mostly focus on improving performance by utilizing the off-the-shelf pre-trained models to capture features, such as viewpoint selection or geometric priors. However, they have failed to consider exploring the cross-modal representation of language-vision alignment in the cross-domain field. To answer this problem, we propose a novel method called Domain Adaptation for Language Grounding (DA4LG) with 3D objects. Specifically, the proposed DA4LG consists of a visual adapter module with multi-task learning to realize vision-language alignment by comprehensive multimodal feature representation. Experimental results demonstrate that DA4LG competitively performs across visual and non-visual language descriptions, independent of the completeness of observation. DA4LG achieves state-of-the-art performance in the single-view setting and multi-view setting with the accuracy of 83.8% and 86.8% respectively in the language grounding benchmark SNARE. The simulation experiments show the well-practical and generalized performance of DA4LG compared to the existing methods. Our project is available at https://sites.google.com/view/da4lg.

Comparison of existing works on multi-view perception, external prior, and domain adaptation in language grounding.


  • The paper proposes a novel methodology called Domain Adaptation for Language Grounding (DA4LG) to enhance language grounding tasks in 3D object environments by addressing vision-language alignment using domain-specific encoders and multi-task learning.

  • The DA4LG framework includes key components such as a Vision Encoder, Language Encoder, and Domain-specific Encoder, designed to optimize cross-modal feature alignment for superior performance in the target domain.

  • Extensive experiments on the SNARE dataset show that DA4LG achieves state-of-the-art performance, demonstrating higher accuracy, parameter efficiency, and generalization capabilities compared to existing models.

Multi-Task Domain Adaptation for Language Grounding with 3D Objects

The paper "Multi-Task Domain Adaptation for Language Grounding with 3D Objects" explore the intricacies of improving the performance of language grounding tasks in 3D object environments. The core issue addressed by the authors is the prevalent reliance on off-the-shelf pre-trained models that do not necessarily align well across cross-modal and cross-domain representation learning.

Research Context and Motivation

Language grounding is imperative for the next leap in the evolution of intelligent systems, especially those tasked with bridging symbolic representations and real-world perceptions. The current techniques predominantly employ enhanced methods using multi-view perception and external priors. However, these strategies often incur extra data costs or suffer performance drops due to domain gaps inherent in fixed pre-trained feature encoders. Drawing inspiration from advancements in domain adaptation for LLMs, the authors propose an alternative approach: Domain Adaptation for Language Grounding (DA4LG).

Proposed Methodology

DA4LG is a novel methodology that comprises a visual adapter module utilizing multi-task learning to address the vision-language alignment issue comprehensively. The architecture includes:

  • Domain-Specific Encoder: Inspired by parameter-efficient tuning, this decoder is designed to minimize the domain gap by specializing in 3D visual representation learning.
  • Multi-Task Learning Framework: This consists of three learning tasks: Language Grounding Task (LGR), Vision-Language Contrastive Task (VLC), and Vision Grounding Caption Task (VGC). These tasks collectively optimize cross-modal feature alignment, thereby enhancing overall language grounding performance.

The DA4LG framework comprises key components such as a Vision Encoder, Language Encoder, and Domain-specific Encoder. The latter is initialized from pre-trained models and includes low-rank matrices that serve as domain adapters to capture domain-specific representations. This hierarchical combination allows DA4LG to achieve a superior multimodal alignment in the target domain compared to traditional methods.

Experimental Results

The authors performed extensive experiments on the SNARE dataset, benchmarking their method against several SOTA models, including ViLBERT, CLIP, MATCH, LAGOR, VLG, and MAGiC. The results underscore several key findings:

  • Performance Metrics: DA4LG achieved state-of-the-art performance on the SNARE dataset with accuracies of 83.8% in the single-view setting and 86.8% in the multi-view setting.
  • Parameter Efficiency: DA4LG outperformed the VLG model, which requires significantly more training parameters, indicating superior parameter efficiency.
  • Generalization and Robustness: Simulation experiments demonstrated DA4LG's robustness and generalization capabilities over existing models in a simulated 3D environment. In scenarios where other methods faltered, DA4LG maintained high performance, demonstrating a clear advantage in practical applications.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research are profound for the development of embodied AI systems and their capacity to perform complex tasks involving multimodal perception and interaction. The authors effectively bridge the domain gap that handicaps current systems, thereby enabling more robust, accurate, and adaptable intelligent agents.

Future Directions:

  1. Scalability: Extending the system to handle larger and more diverse datasets.
  2. Real-World Applications: Applying DA4LG to real-world interactive tasks beyond controlled environments.
  3. Integration with Other Modalities: Combining this approach with other sensory data (e.g., tactile, auditory) for a more holistic perception.
  4. Advanced Simulation Environments: Developing more sophisticated simulation environments for pre-training before deploying in real-world contexts.

In summary, "Multi-Task Domain Adaptation for Language Grounding with 3D Objects" sets a new benchmark in the field by effectively leveraging domain adaptation and multi-task learning to significantly enhance the performance and adaptability of language grounding systems. This work not only advances the state-of-the-art in visual language grounding but also lays the groundwork for future research in cross-domain adaptation and multimodal learning.

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