Emergent Mind

Hierarchical Large Scale Multirobot Path (Re)Planning

Published Jul 3, 2024 in cs.RO


We consider a large-scale multi-robot path planning problem in a cluttered environment. Our approach achieves real-time replanning by dividing the workspace into cells and utilizing a hierarchical planner. Specifically, multi-commodity flow-based high-level planners route robots through the cells to reduce congestion, while an anytime low-level planner computes collision-free paths for robots within each cell in parallel. Despite resulting in longer paths compared to the baseline multi-agent pathfinding algorithm, our method produces a solution with significant improvement in computation time. Specifically, we show empirical results of a 500-times speedup in computation time compared to the baseline multi-agent pathfinding approach on the environments we study. We account for the robot's embodiment and support non-stop execution when replanning continuously. We demonstrate the real-time performance of our algorithm with up to 142 robots in simulation, and a representative 32 physical Crazyflie nano-quadrotor experiment.

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