Emergent Mind

Reasoning in Large Language Models: A Geometric Perspective

Published Jul 2, 2024 in cs.AI and cs.CL


The advancement of LLMs for real-world applications hinges critically on enhancing their reasoning capabilities. In this work, we explore the reasoning abilities of LLMs through their geometrical understanding. We establish a connection between the expressive power of LLMs and the density of their self-attention graphs. Our analysis demonstrates that the density of these graphs defines the intrinsic dimension of the inputs to the MLP blocks. We demonstrate through theoretical analysis and toy examples that a higher intrinsic dimension implies a greater expressive capacity of the LLM. We further provide empirical evidence linking this geometric framework to recent advancements in methods aimed at enhancing the reasoning capabilities of LLMs.

LLM input regions vs. attention heads and context length, showing increased regions lead to better approximations.


  • The paper presents a geometric framework linking the expressive power of LLMs to the density of their self-attention graphs, proposing that denser self-attention graphs increase the intrinsic dimension of inputs to transformer layers.

  • Empirical studies show that higher self-attention graph density, achieved by increasing attention heads or context length, enhances the reasoning performance of LLMs, validated through tests on models such as Llama 3.

  • The research suggests that prompt engineering to increase intrinsic dimension can improve reasoning capabilities in LLMs, offering a path to enhance performance without necessarily increasing model size.

Reasoning in LLMs: A Geometric Perspective

The paper "Reasoning in LLMs: A Geometric Perspective" by Romain Cosentino and Sarath Shekkizhar proposes an insightful framework for understanding and improving the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. This study focuses on the geometric properties of transformer layers, primarily emphasizing the role of the density of self-attention graphs and their impact on the expressive power of LLMs.

Core Contributions

  1. Geometric Framework for Expressive Power: The authors present a connection between the expressive power of LLMs and the density of their self-attention graphs. The study posits that the density of these graphs determines the intrinsic dimension of the inputs to the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) blocks in transformers. This intrinsic dimension is directly linked to the model’s ability to partition its input space adaptively, which in turn influences its function approximation capabilities.

  2. Impact of Self-Attention Graph Density: It is theorized and empirically demonstrated that a higher intrinsic dimension, driven by increased self-attention graph density, enhances the expressive capacity of an LLM. The research highlights that both the number of attention heads and the context length (number of tokens in the input sequence) contribute significantly to this intrinsic dimension.

  3. Empirical Validation: Through a series of theoretical analyses and experimental evaluations, including toy examples and tests on the Llama 3 model family, the authors validate their geometric framework. They show that increasing context length and model size facilitates higher attention density and better reasoned responses.

Theoretical Insights

The paper delves deep into the geometrical notions that underpin Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and extends these concepts to LLMs. The key points of the theoretical discussion include:

  • Continuous Piece-Wise Affine Mapping: The study explores how DNNs approximate functions using a partition of the input space into regions, each associated with a linear map. The more regions there are, the better the network can approximate complex functions.

  • Impact of Input Space Partitioning: The authors demonstrate that the number of partitions (regions) is exponentially dependent on the intrinsic dimension of the input space. As the intrinsic dimension increases, so does the number of regions, enhancing the DNN’s approximation capabilities.

  • Connection to Self-Attention in LLMs: By analyzing the self-attention mechanism in transformer models, it is shown that the intrinsic dimension of the input to the MLP is increased by denser self-attention graphs—achieved through the addition of more attention heads or increasing context length.

Empirical Evidence

The experimental section investigates how increasing LLMs' expressive power, as measured by intrinsic dimension, influences reasoning performance. Crucially, it is revealed that:

  • Adding context (in the form of few-shot learning examples) increases the intrinsic dimension at the final layers, which is highly correlated with improved reasoning performance.
  • Randomly sampled tokens or permuted text do not show the same level of impact, confirming that relevant context is key to increasing intrinsic dimension effectively.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications:

The findings suggest practical approaches to enhance LLM reasoning capabilities without solely relying on increasing model size. Notably, leveraging prompt engineering to increase the intrinsic dimension offers a computationally efficient path to improved performance. This approach could help smaller models achieve competitive results relative to larger models.

Theoretical Implications:

The work opens new avenues for understanding the architecture and training of LLMs. The geometric perspective provides a foundational understanding that could guide the design of more efficient models. Further research could explore the relationship between intrinsic dimension and other aspects of generalization and model robustness.

Future Developments in AI:

The geometric insights presented could drive the development of next-generation AI systems that are more efficient and capable of deeper reasoning. As researchers continue to unravel the complexities of geometric properties in neural networks, we can anticipate advancements in both model design and training methodologies that capitalize on these properties.

In conclusion, this paper provides a detailed and rigorous exploration of the geometric aspects of LLMs, offering both theoretical contributions and practical insights. The demonstrated connection between intrinsic dimension and reasoning capabilities represents a significant step toward more efficient and effective AI models.

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