Emergent Mind

RVISA: Reasoning and Verification for Implicit Sentiment Analysis

Published Jul 2, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.AI


With an increasing social demand for fine-grained sentiment analysis (SA), implicit sentiment analysis (ISA) poses a significant challenge with the absence of salient cue words in expressions. It necessitates reliable reasoning to understand how the sentiment is aroused and thus determine implicit sentiments. In the era of LLMs, Encoder-Decoder (ED) LLMs have gained popularity to serve as backbone models for SA applications, considering impressive text comprehension and reasoning ability among diverse tasks. On the other hand, Decoder-only (DO) LLMs exhibit superior natural language generation and in-context learning capabilities. However, their responses may contain misleading or inaccurate information. To identify implicit sentiment with reliable reasoning, this study proposes RVISA, a two-stage reasoning framework that harnesses the generation ability of DO LLMs and the reasoning ability of ED LLMs to train an enhanced reasoner. Specifically, we adopt three-hop reasoning prompting to explicitly furnish sentiment elements as cues. The generated rationales are utilized to fine-tune an ED LLM into a skilled reasoner. Additionally, we develop a straightforward yet effective verification mechanism to ensure the reliability of the reasoning learning. We evaluated the proposed method on two benchmark datasets and achieved state-of-the-art results in ISA performance.

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