Emergent Mind


A pivotal challenge in robotics is achieving fast, safe, and robust dexterous grasping across a diverse range of objects, an important goal within industrial applications. However, existing methods often have very limited speed, dexterity, and generality, along with limited or no hardware safety guarantees. In this work, we introduce DextrAH-G, a depth-based dexterous grasping policy trained entirely in simulation that combines reinforcement learning, geometric fabrics, and teacher-student distillation. We address key challenges in joint arm-hand policy learning, such as high-dimensional observation and action spaces, the sim2real gap, collision avoidance, and hardware constraints. DextrAH-G enables a 23 motor arm-hand robot to safely and continuously grasp and transport a large variety of objects at high speed using multi-modal inputs including depth images, allowing generalization across object geometry. Videos at https://sites.google.com/view/dextrah-g.

DextrAH-G reliably grasps and transports various novel objects in real-world scenarios.


  • DextrAH-G combines reinforcement learning, geometric fabrics, and teacher-student distillation to enable dexterous robotic grasping in diverse object scenarios.

  • The approach successfully transitions from simulation to real-world applications, maintaining high performance in terms of safety, efficiency, and robustness while handling various objects.

  • The DextrAH-G framework demonstrates its effectiveness through extensive experiments, achieving notable success rates in both simulation and real-world setups, which highlights its potential impact across multiple industries.

Overview of DextrAH-G: Pixels-to-Action Dexterous Arm-Hand Grasping with Geometric Fabrics

The paper "DextrAH-G: Pixels-to-Action Dexterous Arm-Hand Grasping with Geometric Fabrics" presents a method to achieve dexterous grasping in robotics, focusing on fast, safe, and robust performance across a diverse range of objects. The approach, DextrAH-G, is built around three main components: reinforcement learning (RL), geometric fabrics, and teacher-student distillation. The method is trained entirely in simulation but successfully transfers to real-world scenarios, addressing several critical challenges such as high-dimensional observation and action spaces, sim-to-real gaps, collision avoidance, and hardware constraints.

Contributions and Methods

The paper makes several significant contributions:

  1. Geometric Fabric Controller: DextrAH-G incorporates a vectorized geometric fabric controller to generate efficient and safe control actions. This controller shapes robot behavior, avoids collisions, upholds joint constraints, and facilitates policy learning by creating an inductive bias.
  2. Reinforcement Learning with Simulation: The authors train a privileged FGP (fabric-guided policy) using reinforcement learning within a simulated environment. RL enables the grasping policy to manage complex tasks such as joint arm-hand coordination, leveraging multi-modal inputs including depth images. The fabric simplifies the policy learning process through efficient experience scaling and continuous optimization.
  3. Teacher-Student Distillation: The privileged FGP trained in simulation guides a depth-based student policy via online distillation. The student policy involves depth image inputs and replicates the teacher's actions, allowing zero-shot sim2real transfer. This distillation process uses a supervision loss comprising action and object position prediction, enhancing the robustness and accuracy of the learned policy.

Experimental Evaluation

The effectiveness of DextrAH-G is validated through extensive experiments both in simulation and real-world setups. The key results can be summarized as follows:

  • Simulation Performance: DextrAH-G achieves a 99% success rate in simulation environments for continuous object grasping and transportation. Evaluation across different objects demonstrates an 80% success rate per object with an average execution time of 4 seconds.
  • Real-World Performance: In real-world tests, DextrAH-G maintains a notable grasping and transporting success rate of 87% across various objects. The robot autonomously handles diverse items with minimal need for human intervention, marking a significant advancement in dexterous robotic grasping.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications

DextrAH-G represents a useful advancement for industries reliant on robotic automation, particularly in logistics, manufacturing, space exploration, and search-and-rescue operations. The ability to safely and efficiently handle a wide variety of objects in dynamic environments can reduce human labor and improve operational efficiency.

Theoretical Implications

From a theoretical perspective, the integration of geometric fabrics with reinforcement learning establishes a structured approach to robotic control. The inductive bias introduced by the geometric fabric streamlines policy learning, providing a framework that can be adapted to other robotic tasks requiring high degrees of freedom and complex interactions.

Speculative Future Directions

Future work could investigate several directions:

  1. Improved Exploration Strategies: Enhancing the exploration capabilities of RL algorithms to better handle low-profile and cluttered objects.
  2. Obstacle-Aware Learning: Integrating more sophisticated perception models to reduce reliance on pre-defined collision models, enabling robots to navigate and manipulate in unstructured environments.
  3. Expanded Object Databases: Broadening the training object set in simulation to encompass a wider variety of geometries, materials, and dynamic properties, further enhancing robustness and generalization.
  4. Multi-Object Scenarios: Extending the framework to handle complex scenarios involving multiple objects, necessitating advancements in segmentation and object recognition techniques.


The DextrAH-G framework offers a compelling approach to dexterous grasping, integrating advanced control methodologies with state-of-the-art policy learning techniques to achieve robust, efficient, and safe robotic manipulation. The blend of geometric fabrics and RL not only addresses immediate industrial needs but also sets a foundation for future research in intelligent robotic systems.

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