Emergent Mind

Fast modeling of the shear three-point correlation function

Published Jul 1, 2024 in astro-ph.CO


The three-point correlation function (3PCF) of a weak lensing shear field contains information that is complementary to that in the two-point correlation function (2PCF), which can help improve the cosmological parameters and calibrate astrophysical and observational systematics parameters. However, the application of the 3PCF to observed data has been limited due to the computational challenges of calculating theoretical predictions of the 3PCF from a bispectrum model. In this paper, we present a new method to compute the shear 3PCF efficiently and accurately. We employ the multipole expansion of the bispectrum to compute the shear 3PCF, and show that the method is substantially more efficient than direct numerical integration. We found that the multipole-based method can compute the shear 3PCF with 5% accuracy in 10 (40) seconds for the single (four) source redshift bin setup. The multipole-based method can be also used to compute the third-order aperture mass statistics quickly and accurately, accounting for the bin-averaging effect on the shear 3PCF. Our method provides a fast and robust tool for probing the underlying cosmological model with third-order statistics of weak lensing shear.

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