Emergent Mind

TabSketchFM: Sketch-based Tabular Representation Learning for Data Discovery over Data Lakes

Published Jun 28, 2024 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.DB


Enterprises have a growing need to identify relevant tables in data lakes; e.g. tables that are unionable, joinable, or subsets of each other. Tabular neural models can be helpful for such data discovery tasks. In this paper, we present TabSketchFM, a neural tabular model for data discovery over data lakes. First, we propose novel pre-training: a sketch-based approach to enhance the effectiveness of data discovery in neural tabular models. Second, we finetune the pretrained model for identifying unionable, joinable, and subset table pairs and show significant improvement over previous tabular neural models. Third, we present a detailed ablation study to highlight which sketches are crucial for which tasks. Fourth, we use these finetuned models to perform table search; i.e., given a query table, find other tables in a corpus that are unionable, joinable, or that are subsets of the query. Our results demonstrate significant improvements in F1 scores for search compared to state-of-the-art techniques. Finally, we show significant transfer across datasets and tasks establishing that our model can generalize across different tasks and over different data lakes.

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