Emergent Mind

BERGEN: A Benchmarking Library for Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Published Jul 1, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.IR


Retrieval-Augmented Generation allows to enhance LLMs with external knowledge. In response to the recent popularity of generative LLMs, many RAG approaches have been proposed, which involve an intricate number of different configurations such as evaluation datasets, collections, metrics, retrievers, and LLMs. Inconsistent benchmarking poses a major challenge in comparing approaches and understanding the impact of each component in the pipeline. In this work, we study best practices that lay the groundwork for a systematic evaluation of RAG and present BERGEN, an end-to-end library for reproducible research standardizing RAG experiments. In an extensive study focusing on QA, we benchmark different state-of-the-art retrievers, rerankers, and LLMs. Additionally, we analyze existing RAG metrics and datasets. Our open-source library BERGEN is available under \url{https://github.com/naver/bergen}.

Features in BERGEN for reproducible study of state-of-the-art retrievers, rerankers, and LLMs in RAG.


  • The paper introduces BERGEN, a comprehensive Python library designed for standardized and reproducible Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) experimentation, addressing challenges in evaluating RAG systems.

  • Through extensive experiments, the study highlights the significance of high-quality retrievers and rerankers, the varying benefits of retrieval across different QA datasets, and the comparable performance gains from retrieval regardless of model size.

  • The authors emphasize the need for semantic evaluation metrics, improved dataset-specific retrieval techniques, and regular updates to BERGEN to adapt to evolving LLMs and retrieval models.

An Examination of "BERGEN: A Benchmarking Library for Retrieval-Augmented Generation"

In the paper "BERGEN: A Benchmarking Library for Retrieval-Augmented Generation," the authors tackle pressing challenges in evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems by introducing BERGEN, a comprehensive Python library designed for standardized and reproducible RAG experimentation. This work is timely, responding to the growing interest in enhancing LLMs with external retrieval mechanisms to mitigate the static nature of embedded knowledge.

Core Contributions

The primary contribution of the paper is the introduction of BERGEN, a robust, extensible library that facilitates rigorous benchmarking of RAG systems. The library supports a wide array of retrievers, rerankers, LLMs, datasets, and evaluation metrics, with a focus on ensuring reproducibility and comparability across different experimental setups.

The paper's efforts culminate in an extensive evaluation focusing on Question Answering (QA) tasks using BERGEN, exploring the impacts of varied configurations of state-of-the-art retrievers, rerankers, and LLMs across multiple datasets and metrics. The insights derived provide a foundational guide for best practices in the field of RAG.

Key Findings

A significant portion of the work is devoted to deriving insights from over 500 experiments conducted using BERGEN. Here are the primary findings:

  1. Evaluation Metrics: The study reveals that LLM-based metrics such as LLMeval align closely with assessments made by GPT-4, outperforming traditional surface-based metrics like Exact Match and F1, particularly for longer answers where surface-matching metrics fail. The authors thus recommend incorporating semantic evaluations alongside conventional metrics for a more accurate performance assessment.

  2. Dataset Suitability: Not all QA datasets benefit equally from retrieval-augmented setups. Datasets like ASQA, HotpotQA, NQ, TriviaQA, and PopQA showed significant performance gains with retrieval, whereas datasets like TruthfulQA, ELI5, and WoW did not. This suggests that these latter datasets might pose challenges due to noisy labels or inherent task characteristics that are not well served by current SOTA retrieval methods.

  3. Impact of Retrieval Quality: High-quality retrieval is crucial for enhancing RAG performance. The study underscores the importance of using SoTA retrievers and rerankers. Reranking, often under-explored in previous works, proves critical to pushing RAG performance higher, making a strong case for its adoption in future RAG systems.

  4. Model Size and Retrieval: The study also examines whether retrieval benefits vary with model size. Interestingly, the performance gains from retrieval appear largely independent of model size, with both small and large LLMs benefiting from improved retrieval quality. This is exemplified by Llama2-7B, which with retrieval outperforms Llama2-70B without retrieval.

  5. Fine-Tuning: Fine-tuning smaller LLMs can significantly bridge the performance gap with larger models in retrieval-augmented settings. This highlights the practicality of enhancing smaller, more efficient models through fine-tuning rather than exclusively relying on pre-trained larger counterparts.


The implications of this study are manifold. Practically, BERGEN sets a new standard for conducting RAG experiments by simplifying the process of configuring, running, and evaluating different components. The library's emphasis on reproducibility and extensibility stands to benefit the research community by providing a solid framework that can be easily extended as new models and datasets emerge.

Theoretically, the insights from this study foster a more nuanced understanding of the interplay between retrieval and generation in RAG systems. The emphasis on retrieval quality and the nuanced evaluation of different datasets beckons further research into developing better retrieval models and more effective metrics. Additionally, the findings regarding the non-linear benefits of retrieval across different model sizes suggest that future work could explore optimizing retrieval techniques specifically tailored to different LLM architectures.

Future Developments

Looking ahead, the continuous evolution of LLMs and retrieval models will necessitate regular updates to BERGEN to remain at the cutting edge. Key areas for future development include:

  • Expanding multilingual support and evaluating RAG systems in more diverse linguistic and domain-specific contexts.
  • Improving retrieval techniques, particularly for datasets that currently do not benefit from retrieval, potentially through better domain adaptation strategies.
  • Developing more robust evaluation metrics, especially for longer and more complex generative tasks, where current metrics fall short.


The introduction of BERGEN marks a significant step forward in the field of RAG research. By providing a standardized, reproducible, and extensible framework, this work lays the groundwork for more systematic evaluation and understanding of RAG systems. The authors' extensive experimental analysis not only underscores the importance of retrieval quality and semantic evaluation metrics but also sets a new benchmark for future research in this domain.

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