Emergent Mind

Eliminating Position Bias of Language Models: A Mechanistic Approach

Published Jul 1, 2024 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Position bias has proven to be a prevalent issue of modern language models (LMs), where the models prioritize content based on its position within the given context. This bias often leads to unexpected model failures and hurts performance, robustness, and reliability across various applications. Our mechanistic analysis attributes the position bias to two components employed in nearly all state-of-the-art LMs: causal attention and relative positional encodings. Specifically, we find that causal attention generally causes models to favor distant content, while relative positional encodings like RoPE prefer nearby ones based on the analysis of retrieval-augmented question answering (QA). Further, our empirical study on object detection reveals that position bias is also present in vision-language models (VLMs). Based on the above analyses, we propose to ELIMINATE position bias caused by different input segment orders (e.g., options in LM-as-a-judge, retrieved documents in QA) in a TRAINING-FREE ZERO-SHOT manner. Our method changes the causal attention to bidirectional attention between segments and utilizes model attention values to decide the relative orders of segments instead of using the order provided in input prompts, therefore enabling Position-INvariant inferencE (PINE) at the segment level. By eliminating position bias, models achieve better performance and reliability in downstream tasks where position bias widely exists, such as LM-as-a-judge and retrieval-augmented QA. Notably, PINE is especially useful when adapting LMs for evaluating reasoning pairs: it consistently provides 8 to 10 percentage points performance gains in most cases, and makes Llama-3-70B-Instruct perform even better than GPT-4-0125-preview on the RewardBench reasoning subset.

Position bias in model outputs: preference for first response and impact on document retrieval accuracy.


  • The paper addresses the prevalent issue of position bias in modern language models, which results from causal attention and relative positional encodings.

  • The authors propose Position-INvariant inferencE (PINE), a method that eliminates position bias in a training-free, zero-shot manner by modifying attention mechanisms in transformers.

  • PINE is evaluated across several tasks and demonstrates significant performance improvements compared to other baseline models, suggesting its potential for enhancing reliability in evaluative and retrieval-intensive applications.

Eliminating Position Bias of Language Models: A Mechanistic Approach

The paper, "Eliminating Position Bias of Language Models: A Mechanistic Approach" by Ziqi Wang et al., addresses the prevalent issue of position bias in modern language models (LMs). Position bias, where models prioritize content based on its context position, results in model failures and diminishes performance, robustness, and reliability across diverse applications. This paper attributes position bias to two core components in most LMs: causal attention and relative positional encodings.

Analysis and Problem Identification

The research identifies that causal attention leads models to favor distant content, while relative positional encodings like RoPE (Rotary Position Embeddings) lean towards nearby content. This mechanistic analysis is supported by experiments on retrieval-augmented question answering (QA) and object detection tasks in vision-language models (VLMs). The coexistence of these biases within LMs suggests inherent computational elements in transformers that propagate position bias.

Proposed Method: Position-INvariant inferencE (PINE)

To tackle this, the authors propose PINE, an innovative method that eliminates position bias in a training-free, zero-shot manner by altering the attention mechanisms in transformers. PINE achieves this by:

  1. Modifying causal attention to bidirectional attention between segments.
  2. Utilizing attention values to determine the relative order of segments rather than following the input sequence order.

Methodological Insights

Causal attention and positional encodings have been fundamental in transformers, but they also introduce biases as identified through logical proofs and empirical analyses. The paper states that RoPE's recency bias results from the attention weight decay concerning relative positions, while causal attention leads to a preference for distant content. This interplay is dissected through various supporting experiments.

Performance and Practicality

The paper evaluates PINE across two tasks where position biases are significant: LM-as-a-judge (RewardBench) and retrieval-augmented QA. PINE notably enhances performance and reliability in these tasks through:

  • LM-as-a-judge: Consistent performance gains of 8 to 10 percentage points across most test cases, with Llama-3-70B-Instruct surpassing GPT-4-0125-preview on the RewardBench reasoning subset.
  • Retrieval-augmented QA: PINE improves performance in scenarios with up to 20 documents, avoiding position-driven variances that typically hinder standard attention mechanisms.

Comparative Analysis

PINE's efficacy is further established when compared to other baseline models, such as NIA (no inter-segment attention) and PCW (Parallel Context Window). While these methods attempt to mitigate position bias, they fall short in tasks requiring the nuanced language modeling that PINE excels in.

Implications and Future Directions

This research implies that eliminating position bias can significantly enhance the deployment of LMs in evaluative and retrieval-intensive applications. Theoretically, it also encourages revisiting the design choices in positional embeddings and attention masks within transformers. Future research might explore:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Optimizing PINE's code for reduced computational overhead to broaden its usage in efficiency-critical applications.
  • Novel Position Encoding Designs: Developing new forms of positional encodings that inherently mitigate bias without necessitating post hoc adjustments.
  • Extended Task Applicability: Applying the PINE method to broader and more varied NLP tasks to validate its generalizability.


This paper contributes significantly by identifying and mechanistically eliminating position bias in LMs, leading to more reliable and robust model behavior. Through comprehensive analysis and novel methodological innovations, the work advances our understanding and capability to fine-tune language models for complex, position-sensitive tasks.

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