Emergent Mind


With the rapid advancement of autonomous driving technology, self-driving cars have become a central focus in the development of future transportation systems. Scenario generation technology has emerged as a crucial tool for testing and verifying the safety performance of autonomous driving systems. Current research in scenario generation primarily focuses on open roads such as highways, with relatively limited studies on underground parking garages. The unique structural constraints, insufficient lighting, and high-density obstacles in underground parking garages impose greater demands on the perception systems, which are critical to autonomous driving technology. This study proposes an accelerated generation method for perception failure scenarios tailored to the underground parking garage environment, aimed at testing and improving the safety performance of autonomous vehicle (AV) perception algorithms in such settings. The method presented in this paper generates an intelligent testing environment with a high density of perception failure scenarios by learning the interactions between background vehicles (BVs) and autonomous vehicles (AVs) within perception failure scenarios. Furthermore, this method edits the Markov process within the perception failure scenario data to increase the density of critical information in the training data, thereby optimizing the learning and generation of perception failure scenarios. A simulation environment for an underground parking garage was developed using the Carla and Vissim platforms, with Bevfusion employed as the perception algorithm for testing. The study demonstrates that this method can generate an intelligent testing environment with a high density of perception failure scenarios and enhance the safety performance of perception algorithms within this experimental setup.

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