Emergent Mind


Style transfer is an inventive process designed to create an image that maintains the essence of the original while embracing the visual style of another. Although diffusion models have demonstrated impressive generative power in personalized subject-driven or style-driven applications, existing state-of-the-art methods still encounter difficulties in achieving a seamless balance between content preservation and style enhancement. For example, amplifying the style's influence can often undermine the structural integrity of the content. To address these challenges, we deconstruct the style transfer task into three core elements: 1) Style, focusing on the image's aesthetic characteristics; 2) Spatial Structure, concerning the geometric arrangement and composition of visual elements; and 3) Semantic Content, which captures the conceptual meaning of the image. Guided by these principles, we introduce InstantStyle-Plus, an approach that prioritizes the integrity of the original content while seamlessly integrating the target style. Specifically, our method accomplishes style injection through an efficient, lightweight process, utilizing the cutting-edge InstantStyle framework. To reinforce the content preservation, we initiate the process with an inverted content latent noise and a versatile plug-and-play tile ControlNet for preserving the original image's intrinsic layout. We also incorporate a global semantic adapter to enhance the semantic content's fidelity. To safeguard against the dilution of style information, a style extractor is employed as discriminator for providing supplementary style guidance. Codes will be available at https://github.com/instantX-research/InstantStyle-Plus.

InstantStyle-Plus pipeline for stylistic infusion, spatial composition, and semantic integrity without optimization.


  • The InstantStyle-Plus method introduced by Wang et al. focuses on achieving style transfer in image synthesis while preserving the original content by breaking down the process into style injection, spatial structure preservation, and semantic content retention.

  • The paper highlights the use of cross-attention mechanisms, inverted noise techniques, and the Tile ControlNet for maintaining the integrity of the content image, along with the integration of a global image adapter for semantic preservation.

  • Experimental results demonstrate InstantStyle-Plus's superior performance compared to other leading methods, with practical implications for applications like art restoration and custom image generation, while future research could optimize inversion efficiency and style guidance.

Style Transfer with Content-Preserving in Text-to-Image Generation: An Overview of InstantStyle-Plus

The paper "Style Transfer with Content-Preserving in Text-to-Image Generation" by Wang et al. introduces InstantStyle-Plus, a novel approach to achieve style transfer in image synthesis with an emphasis on content preservation. The method addresses the existing challenges in seamlessly integrating style into target images while maintaining the integrity of the original content by deconstructing the task into three core components: style injection, spatial structure preservation, and semantic content retention.

Core Components of InstantStyle-Plus

  1. Style Injection: The method builds upon the InstantStyle framework, utilizing cross-attention mechanisms to integrate style features selectively into style-specific blocks. This process ensures the separation of stylistic attributes and content, mitigating content leakage and eliminating extensive fine-tuning across datasets. The efficiency of the approach allows the adaptation of new styles without heavy computational overhead, which presents a significant advantage over previous methods requiring fine-tuning of diffusion models.

  2. Spatial Structure Preservation: The methodology employs two primary techniques for preserving spatial structure:

  • Initial Content Latent: By using inverted noise derived from techniques such as ReNoise, the approach initiates the generation process with an inversion of the content image to maintain subtle structural details. This helps in preserving the finer details that typical encoding methods might miss.
  • Tile ControlNet: This component is crucial in maintaining the spatial composition of the content image. Unlike other conditions, such as canny edges or depth maps, the Tile ControlNet uses untampered content images to retain minute spatial intricacies effectively, thus facilitating true in-place stylization.
  1. Semantic Content Preservation: To preserve the conceptual meaning and identity of the content image, the method integrates a global image adapter based on IP-Adapter mechanisms. This ensures that the semantic aspects, such as identity and key features described in text prompts, remain consistent throughout the stylization process.

Supplementary Style Guidance

The paper addresses the trade-off between style and content preservation by incorporating supplementary style guidance through style discriminators such as the CSD model. This technique allows for real-time adjustments of stylistic effects without compromising content integrity, adding an extra layer of refinement during the denoising process.

Experimental Results

The authors present extensive qualitative results demonstrating the robustness and generalization capabilities of the approach. When compared against leading methods like StyleAlign, InstantStyle, and StyleID, InstantStyle-Plus shows superior performance in balancing style enhancement and content preservation. The method's efficacy is highlighted in experiments involving diverse styles and content images, where it consistently outperforms previous approaches in maintaining the original content's integrity while applying strong stylistic effects.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research are substantial for AI-driven image synthesis applications. InstantStyle-Plus provides a practical and efficient solution for content-preserving style transfer, making it highly valuable for real-world applications where maintaining the original content's integrity is paramount, such as art restoration, custom image generation, and content creation.

Future research initiatives could focus on addressing the limitations identified in the study:

  • Inversion Efficiency: The time-intensive nature of the inversion process warrants investigation into more efficient techniques that can deliver similar fidelity with reduced computational demand.
  • Enhanced ControlNet Utilization: Further exploration of Tile ControlNet’s full potential could yield more refined spatial preservation methods.
  • Optimized Style Guidance: Developing a more VRAM-efficient approach for utilizing style signals could provide significant improvements in practical applications.

In summary, InstantStyle-Plus represents a significant advancement in the domain of style transfer, effectively bridging the gap between style enhancement and content preservation. The authors' contributions provide a strong foundation for future developments in image stylization and synthesis.

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