Emergent Mind


Black-box optimization (BBO) aims to optimize an objective function by iteratively querying a black-box oracle. This process demands sample-efficient optimization due to the high computational cost of function evaluations. While prior studies focus on forward approaches to learn surrogates for the unknown objective function, they struggle with high-dimensional inputs where valid inputs form a small subspace (e.g., valid protein sequences), which is common in real-world tasks. Recently, diffusion models have demonstrated impressive capability in learning the high-dimensional data manifold. They have shown promising performance in black-box optimization tasks but only in offline settings. In this work, we propose diffusion-based inverse modeling for black-box optimization (Diff-BBO), the first inverse approach leveraging diffusion models for online BBO problem. Diff-BBO distinguishes itself from forward approaches through the design of acquisition function. Instead of proposing candidates in the design space, Diff-BBO employs a novel acquisition function Uncertainty-aware Exploration (UaE) to propose objective function values, which leverages the uncertainty of a conditional diffusion model to generate samples in the design space. Theoretically, we prove that using UaE leads to optimal optimization outcomes. Empirically, we redesign experiments on the Design-Bench benchmark for online settings and show that Diff-BBO achieves state-of-the-art performance.

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