Emergent Mind


Diffusion-based models have shown great potential in generating high-quality images with various layouts, which can benefit downstream perception tasks. However, a fully automatic layout generation driven only by language and a suitable metric for measuring multiple generated instances has not been well explored. In this work, we present Auto Cherry-Picker (ACP), a novel framework that generates high-quality multi-modal training examples to augment perception and multi-modal training. Starting with a simple list of natural language concepts, we prompt LLMs to generate a detailed description and design reasonable layouts. Next, we use an off-the-shelf text-to-image model to generate multiple images. Then, the generated data are refined using a comprehensively designed metric to ensure quality. In particular, we present a new metric, Composite Layout and Image Score (CLIS), to evaluate the generated images fairly. Our synthetic high-quality examples boost performance in various scenarios by customizing the initial concept list, especially in addressing challenges associated with long-tailed distribution and imbalanced datasets. Experiment results on downstream tasks demonstrate that Auto Cherry-Picker can significantly improve the performance of existing models. In addition, we have thoroughly investigated the correlation between CLIS and performance gains in downstream tasks, and we find that a better CLIS score results in better performance. This finding shows the potential for evaluation metrics as the role for various visual perception and MLLM tasks. Code will be available.

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