Emergent Mind

Segment Anything without Supervision

Published Jun 28, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.LG


The Segmentation Anything Model (SAM) requires labor-intensive data labeling. We present Unsupervised SAM (UnSAM) for promptable and automatic whole-image segmentation that does not require human annotations. UnSAM utilizes a divide-and-conquer strategy to "discover" the hierarchical structure of visual scenes. We first leverage top-down clustering methods to partition an unlabeled image into instance/semantic level segments. For all pixels within a segment, a bottom-up clustering method is employed to iteratively merge them into larger groups, thereby forming a hierarchical structure. These unsupervised multi-granular masks are then utilized to supervise model training. Evaluated across seven popular datasets, UnSAM achieves competitive results with the supervised counterpart SAM, and surpasses the previous state-of-the-art in unsupervised segmentation by 11% in terms of AR. Moreover, we show that supervised SAM can also benefit from our self-supervised labels. By integrating our unsupervised pseudo masks into SA-1B's ground-truth masks and training UnSAM with only 1% of SA-1B, a lightly semi-supervised UnSAM can often segment entities overlooked by supervised SAM, exceeding SAM's AR by over 6.7% and AP by 3.9% on SA-1B.

UnSAM surpasses previous SOTA in unsupervised segmentation, rivals performance of supervised SAM.


  • The paper proposes Unsupervised SAM (UnSAM) which uses a hierarchical divide-and-conquer approach for unsupervised image segmentation, aiming to address the shortcomings of the Segmentation Anything Model (SAM) that relies on extensive manual data labeling.

  • UnSAM achieves competitive performance with supervised methods and surpasses existing unsupervised segmentation techniques by generating multi-granular pseudo masks and employing self-supervised learning.

  • The research highlights significant practical and theoretical implications, such as reducing dataset labeling costs and drawing parallels with hierarchical processing in human visual perception, and suggests several future directions for AI development.

Segment Anything without Supervision: An Analytical Overview

The paper "Segment Anything without Supervision" presents an innovative approach to unsupervised image segmentation, specifically addressing the limitations of the Segmentation Anything Model (SAM) which relies on labor-intensive manual data labeling. In this analysis, we will dissect the methods used, discuss the quantitative results, and explore the practical and theoretical implications of this research.


Manually annotated segmentation datasets, such as SA-1B, require significant human effort which imposes limitations on their scalability. The proposed Unsupervised SAM (UnSAM) aims to overcome these limitations by leveraging a hierarchical divide-and-conquer strategy for whole-image segmentation. UnSAM effectively achieves competitive performance with its supervised counterpart while also surpassing state-of-the-art results in the unsupervised domain.


Divide-and-Conquer Strategy

The core methodology of UnSAM revolves around a hierarchical divide-and-conquer approach. This strategy comprises two main stages:

  1. Divide Stage: Utilizing a top-down clustering method akin to CutLER~\cite{wang2023cut}, the image is divided into initial instance and semantic-level segments.
  2. Conquer Stage: A bottom-up clustering method refines these segments into finer granularities, iteratively merging pixels based on similarity thresholds.

This method generates a rich set of multi-granular pseudo masks directly from unlabeled images, which are subsequently used to train the segmentation model.

Training Process

UnSAM employs self-supervised learning techniques to train on these pseudo masks. Intriguingly, it also demonstrates that incorporating the pseudo masks with a smaller fraction of labeled data from SA-1B enhances the performance, helping to discover entities that supervised SAM tends to overlook.

Quantitative Results

The evaluation results indicate that UnSAM achieves substantial improvements over previous unsupervised segmentation methods:

  • Average Recall (AR): On seven popular datasets, UnSAM improves AR by 11% compared to previous unsupervised benchmarks.

In semi-supervised settings, integrating pseudo masks with a minor subset (1%) of SA-1B labeled data resulted in performance gains:

  • Average Precision (AP): An increase of 3.9% over SAM.
  • AR: An increase of 6.7% over SAM.

These results underscore the efficacy of the unsupervised approach, especially in refining the segmentation of small and often overlooked entities.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

Practical Implications

UnSAM's ability to perform segmentation without human supervision holds significant practical implications. It can dramatically reduce the cost and effort associated with creating large-scale labeled datasets. Moreover, this method can be particularly beneficial in domains where manual labeling is challenging, such as medical imaging or satellite imagery.

Theoretical Implications

From a theoretical perspective, the divide-and-conquer strategy echoes concepts from neuroscience regarding hierarchical processing in human visual perception. This alignment not only validates the model's approach but may also inspire further research into biologically-inspired computing models.

Future Developments in AI

Looking ahead, the successful implementation of UnSAM suggests several intriguing future directions:

  1. Scalability: Enhancing the scalability of UnSAM to handle even larger and more diverse datasets could open new avenues for AI applications.
  2. Integration with Other Modalities: Combining unsupervised segmentation with other modalities like text or audio could lead to more comprehensive multi-modal AI systems.
  3. Refinement of Hierarchical Methods: Further refinement and innovation in hierarchical clustering techniques could continually improve the granularity and quality of automatically generated pseudo masks.


The research presented in this paper marks a significant advancement in the field of computer vision by demonstrating that high-quality image segmentation is achievable without manual supervision. The divide-and-conquer methodology not only closes the performance gap with supervised models but also surpasses current unsupervised methods. These findings have far-reaching implications, potentially reshaping the landscape of dataset creation and model training in AI.

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