Emergent Mind

The Finiteness Problem for Automaton Semigroups of Extended Bounded Activity

Published Jun 28, 2024 in cs.FL and math.GR


We extend the notion of activity for automaton semigroups and monoids introduced by Bartholdi, Godin, Klimann and Picantin to a more general setting. Their activity notion was already a generalization of Sidki's activity hierarchy for automaton groups. Using the concept of expandability introduced earlier by the current authors, we show that the language of $\omega$-words with infinite orbits is effectively a deterministic B\"uchi language for our extended activity. This generalizes a similar previous result on automaton groups by Bondarenko and the third author. By a result of Francoeur and the current authors, the description via a B\"uchi automaton immediately yields that the finiteness problem for complete automaton semigroups and monoids of bounded activity is decidable. In fact, we obtain a stronger result where we may consider sub-orbits under the action of a regular, suffix-closed language over the generators. This, in particular, also yields that it is decidable whether a finitely generated subsemigroup (or -monoid) of a bounded complete automaton semigroup is finite.

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